10 best ways to announce your pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Congratulations! It is big news that you are going to have a baby.

Sharing this news can be a highlight of your early pregnancy and watching your husband, family and friends react is a lot more fun. So, do you want to share the news with your husband and family members in the best possible way? Then you are at the correct place.

You can refer to the below-mentioned ideas on how to break the news to your man:

Coffee Shop: If you have a coffee craving husband, take him to the best coffee shop in the town and make sure you are carrying a pen with you. When you are ready to announce the news to him, take his cup and scribble something onto it and keep him guessing. You can give him a clue by writing a pregnancy quote such as “ I will not have coffee for the next nine months.” With a doodle of a baby.

  1. Gifting a book:

Is your husband a bookworm? Bingo! Buy a book on parenting or any book of his choice and gift him. Do not forget to scribble a message for the soon to dad. For example, “Hold your heart, world’s Newest daddy is coming soon” or “Happy reading daddy” etc.

  1. A nice card:

If you think it is going to be too overwhelming for you to say it in person, let a card do the talking. You can be a little creative and make a card for your husband and stick a pregnancy stick inside the card for effect.

  1. Write a letter:

Write a letter to your husband pretending the letter is written by the baby. Address him as “My dear dad” and at the end write “from the junior you”. Reading the letter he will understand that soon he is going to be a dad.

  1. Baby clothes and diapers:

Buy some baby clothes and diapers and pack them nicely with wrapping paper. Keep it on his table as a surprise gift.

To inform your parents:

  1. Make a craft:

If you love art and craft, paint a sign for your parents that says, “The best parents get promoted to grandparents.” They would love to display this sign around the house as a constant reminder of the impending joy.

  1. Frame your ultrasound picture:

Once you get your first ultrasound done, frame the picture, and gift it to your parents. They will understand everything.

  1. Coffee mugs:

Do your parents love tea/ coffee to start their day off? Give them each a new mug and at the bottom of the mug write something like “ I am coming soon grandpa” or “Please make a cup of tea for me also grandma”.

  1. Dress up older siblings:

If you have older kids, let them wear something with the message “I am going to be a big sister/brother”. Take them to their grandparents’ house or let the kids have a video chat with their grandparents, and wait until they notice the message on the shirt.

  1. Add a pair of shoes:

If your parents have a place for guest to put their shoes in the hall or doorway, add a tiny pair of baby shoes there and wait for your parents to react.



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