7 Ways How Graphene Can Transform The World

While the world is currently powered by silicon, the next revolution could be based on Graphene. First produced in 2004, Graphene is several times lighter and stronger than steel. It is only one carbon atom thick, which makes it suitable for a wide variety on nano applications. As a super material, Graphene has potential to change our world. It could solve many of the problems that humanity is facing right now. To better understand its scope, here’s a look at how Graphene can transform out world.

Using air as fuel – Hydrogen fuel cell technology already exists and cars like Toyota Mirai are already using it. However, these need to carry hydrogen in a tank. Graphene can make things a lot easier, as graphene-based filters can directly suck hydrogen from air. That means the vehicle will be essentially running on air.

Mosquito net – Graphene can be used as protection against mosquitoes. Lab experiments show that mosquitoes avoid areas of the skin that are covered with a patch of graphene. The graphene patch is also resistant to mosquito bites when it is in dry condition. Scientists are currently working on making it useful against mosquitoes even when wet.

Sea water to drinking water – Graphene filters can help convert sea water to drinking water. It will allow the water molecules to pass through, while removing salts and other unwanted stuff. Graphene can thus revolutionize desalination, which is currently not cheap. It can help humanity to overcome the serious water crisis being faced in various parts of the world.

Quantum computing – Silicon based transistors are already reaching their max limit. This means processing power of computing devices will soon reach its peak. That’s where graphene could work as the perfect replacement. It could be a key component for quantum computing devices, owing to its ability to work both as an insulator and a superconductor. Other related use of Graphene could be to make unbreakable super thin foldable touchscreens.

Thinnest condoms – Quite a few people have reported that latex-based condoms reduce pleasure. That’s why there’s a deluge of thin, super thin, ultra-thin and even ‘invisible’ condoms in the market. Graphene-based condoms could put an end to all these latex-based condoms, as they will be many times thinner and stronger at the same time.

Rust-free world – We already have paint, but Graphene-based paint can be several times better. It can have applications for various segments such as shipping, nuclear industry, electronics and medical devices.

Embedded electronics – The stuff seen in movies like Terminator can become quite common with Graphene. Graphene-based electronics can be implanted inside out body that can directly communicate with our brain cells. This could be useful for a wide variety of debilitating diseases. It can also be routinely used to track various health parameters.

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