– JEET (Joint Efforts for Educational Transformation) is an all-India alliance of NGOs in education
– Currently, RKSS is the steering NGO, and has collected 1 Lakh video links of a collective value of Rs. 150 crores
– JEET will provide these educational videos for free to 10 Lakh government school teachers and students including those from marginalized communities
– JEET shall collaborate with at least 10,000 government schools and education departments in 6 states including Maharashtra in phase one of the launch plan
Ramakrishna Sarada Samiti [RKSS] & State Bank of India [SBI] Foundation launch a life-time free Learning Management System [LMS] – JEET
21.01.2025, Mumbai: Ramakrishna Sarada Samit i (RKSS), one of the most prominent non- governmental organizations in India, along with the State Bank of India (SBI) Foundation, unveiled JEET today. JEET is a n educational platform with an inbuilt LMS that will provide learning content for students from more than 10,000 government sc hools across six States in Ind ia. With the help of this web-based LMS platform, JEET is targeting to serve ten lakh economically disadvantaged students from KG to 12 by providing them with a lifelong free learning platform.
Speaking at the occasion, Shri Raghu Pilaka, Director, RKSS said, “Quality education (SDG 4) is a fundamental right. RKSS has championed education for underprivileged communities for 55 years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea emerged to curate vast online educational content into accessible resources for government schools. By 2023, this vision became a nationwide NGO alliance supp orting every child’s education. Inspired by Swami Vivekananda’s words, ‘Educate and raise the masses, and thus alone a natio n is possible,’ we proudly launch the FREE Web-Based LMS – JEET today on his 162nd birth anniversary. JEET, a result of collective NGO efforts, will empower underserved children with quality education to overcome socio- economic barriers and become future leaders of India. We are activ ely using AI to scale our work through EduX platform and many more initiatives in video based learning.”
With the goal of empowering un der-resourced and disadvantage d students, JEET will offer mo re than 12,000 rich and high-quality educational video s in phase one and will soon scale up to 1 lakh videos. The content bank of video links available throu gh the LMS was obtained from N GOs and organisations across India. This includes Avanti Fellows, BCPT, Educomp Mathguru, Khan Academy, Magnet Brains, Pratha m NGO, Tic Tac Learn, Vimbue, V.K.R.C.E. Trust, Coimbatore, etc.
Speaking at the launch ceremony, Shri Sanjay P rakash, Managing Director, SBI Foundation said, “As the CSR arm of State Bank of India, SBI Foundation is dedicated to making a lasting and meaningful impact on the society. Since its inception in 2015, our mission has focused on empowering marginalized commun ities and vulnerable populations, with a particular emphasis on foste ring growth, education, and eq uality. Through Project JEET, we aim to bridge India’s digital divide by providing fr ee, high-quality educational c ontent. In partnership with RK SS, this platform will offer educational videos in regional languages, along with Hindi and English, ensuring accessibility for students across diverse backgrounds. By aligning the content with State Board syllabi, JEET complements classroom learning and supports government schools in delivering quality education. We are confident that JEET will not only expand academic resources but also help overcome technological ba rriers, creating a more inclus ive and equitable education system for all.”
The NGO alliance, JEET will pa rtner with government schools across States such as Maharashtra, A ndhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhan d, Haryana and Telangana to provide education al content from classes KG – 12. Students and teachers would be able to access JEET either through a website now, or later on a mobile-based learning app ve ry soon. RKSS also plans to train the teachers to utilize the platform for children and will conduct demo sessions for the school children and their parents as well