Prime Video, in collaboration with the prestigious Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is hosting the Mumbai premiere of The Mehta Boys on January 31 at the iconic Regal Cinemas. This special evening will include an engaging panel discussion with the cast and creators, setting the stage for an exclusive screening of the film. Audiences will get a unique opportunity to delve into the creative journey behind Boman Irani’s much-awaited directorial debut.
An Irani Movietone LLP production in association with Chalkboard Entertainment LLP, The Mehta Boys is a light-hearted yet deeply emotional drama exploring the intricacies of a father-son relationship. Co-written by Boman Irani and Academy Award winner Alexander Dinelaris, the film blends heartfelt storytelling with moments of humor, offering an unforgettable experience.
Starring a stellar ensemble cast, including Boman Irani, Avinash Tiwary, Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup, the film brings to life a poignant narrative that resonates with audiences on many levels. Witness The Mehta Boys at Kala Ghoda Arts Festival ahead of its worldwide launch on February 7 on Prime Video.