Actress Smita Bansal, who raised two teenage girls, shares tips on how to be a cool mom

Join Smita’s community Dear Moms of Teens on coto here

~ With her community Dear Moms of Teens, on coto, a social community app for women, actor Smita Bansal is bringing mothers of daughters together to help each other in raising their girl child ~

coto on Instagram: “Like Smita, are you also wondering how to approach your adolescent daughters about periods or even boys!? Talking to your teenage daughters…”

National, 10 March, 2023: Smita Bansal, a renowned face in the television industry, is here to talk to us about effective ways to develop healthy mother- daughter relationships. In her community named “Dear Moms of Teens” on coto, a social community app for women, Smita will take us through topics such as menstruation and dealing with daughters leaving homes, among others.

Smita garnered fame from Balika Vadhu and is also a mother of two young girls herself. With her experience of parenthood and as a super mom, Smita will guide women and tell them what mistakes to avoid when raising daughters.

Smita’s community on coto is targeted toward every mother who is raising a teenage daughter. Whether it is early teens or late teens, dealing with teenagers can be tricky. The community comes as a guidebook to mothers to build a healthy mother-daughter relationship in such situations. Dear Moms of Teens is also a place for women to ask questions about parenthood, share their experiences and learn from each other.

“The idea of this community is very close to my heart. Being a mother of two daughters, I can understand how overwhelming it can become to create a healthy mother-daughter bond. Through this community, I want to help those who are going through similar experiences through easy parenting tips and techniques that have helped me, too,” said Smita Bansal. “This community lives by the motto of women for women, which will allow them to learn from each other’s experiences. I am thrilled to be driving the community and bringing a tribe together and with this teamwork, we want to bring up strong and independent women of tomorrow. The community will also provide answers to conversations like menstruation, sex, and privacy, and how to maintain a healthy relationship with the daughters.”

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