Naman Bansal

What are some of the most embarrassing moments in the Oscars?

The Academy Awards will come and go every year, leaving behind some of the bitter losers and triumphant winners. However, what remains in our hearts forever are the awkward moments those somehow have managed to bring smiles on our faces. There have also been many incidents where the celebrities have utterly humiliated themselves or have broken things and got stuff …

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Top 10 evergreen businesses that will never fail

Evolution in the field of technology has made it difficult for the traditional industries to survive. Some industries can keep apace whereas others eventually fail to cope up. But there are some industries that are not likely to fade away despite of shuffle and dynamism. Whatever maybe the technological development, the basic necessities of people has remained the same over …

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Types of eggs according to their nutritional value.

The word “eggs” makes us think only about food, bakery, confectionery and hair care. But do you know eggs form a major part of our meal every day? Based on chicken breed here are some of the types of eggs with variations in their nutritional value. Omega 3 eggs To help you get fit they’ve got several benefits to your …

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The VPNs or the virtual private network is basically a connection method that adds security to your internet connection. They were made to protect you from being tracked or hacked while working online. It prevents the government, your internet provider, or any other third parties from monitoring your data. VPNs have got several reasons to be used for privacy purposes. …

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Top weird things you are not allowed to carry in airplanes

There are certain rules and regulations laid down by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) when it comes to objects or things we can carry on a plane. We know certain things that are not allowed on a plane like any sharp objects which can be used in ways to harm or liquids above 3-4 ounces. But many weird things are …

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Weird sexual fetishes you never knew about

While most of us are aware of BDSM or role play stuff, there are “other” things that one derives pleasure from. While sexual fetishes can be really weird to be discussed, there are some fetishes that will guarantee blow off your mind. In this article, we have managed to unravel some of the weird sexual stuff or fantasies that you …

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Top ways you can survive a Plane Crash/ Train Crash

The very first thing you need to do is stop panicking when you are in a plane crash or a train crash. That certainly sounds the most absurd statement, but panicking can intervene in your efforts to survive the accident. Therefore, you must calm your senses down and take the necessary measures to get out of the plane or the …

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Top unique museums from different parts of the world

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word ‘museum’ is images of stuffy galleries with security guards. However, all the museums are not equal. Some may have collections of classic artwork, poetry and statues while there are also some unconventional and quirky museums around the world. So, it’s time to forget the art and history museums …

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Top tourist attractions in Australia that started as a joke

Well-known for their sense of humour, Australians like to poke fun at everyone. They laugh at themselves, laugh at each other, and love to poke fun at bureaucracy. No wonder that some of the quirkiest tourist attractions might have started out as a bit of a joke. Mentioned below are some of the top tourist attractions in Australia that started …

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Costa Rica is one of the most famous tourists destinations worldwide with plenty to offer, from adventure to white sandy beaches with a tropical vibe. Interestingly, it is also number four of the most famous destinations among travel insurance buyers. Costa Rica mandates tourists to have international travel medical insurance to visit the country. Here is more that you need …

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