Naman Bansal

Diabetic Foot Attack Rises Risk Of Gangrene And Amputation: Warn Doctors

Cases of diabetic foot attacks have gone up in the last 5 years 60% males, 30 % females and 10 % youngsters Pune:  Diabetes will reduce blood circulation and damage the nerves to the feet. A majority of people having diabetes will have higher chances of diabetes-related foot attacks. Delay in treatment can lead to gangrene and amputation. It is essential …

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Top haunted items all over the world and the associated stories

Graveyards and abandoned houses are not the only things that are invaded by supernatural beings, objects can be haunted too. The main motive behind discussing the objects that are haunted is, you must take measures as not to bring these objects into your house else tragic incidents will likely follow. Most of you must have rolled your eyes as the …

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Top jobs you can start without a college degree in the United States

If you ever meet people in the U.S with a job and getting salary up to $75,000 a year without a college degree don’t be surprised. Keep aside the worries of college life with a student loan. The key area is how to find such jobs and what to prepare for them. Here we’ve shortlisted top jobs that you can …

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Battery swapping: silver bullet or a short-term remedy leading to a long term malady?

Dr Samir Kapur The author is a visiting faculty to various leading management institutes, teaches consumer behaviour and marketing management There is no doubt that the government is doing a commendable job with its FAME schemes. Another laudable move is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pledge towards making India Carbon Neutral or Net Zero by 2070, at the Glasgow Summit in …

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Top genetic defects that cause mutation in the body

When permanent alteration occurs in the DNA sequence of the gene of the person, the mutation is caused. In such cases, the genetic sequence is completely changed from that of a normal person’s genes. Mutations either affect just a single DNA base pair or completely alter the chromosome segment. Generally, genetic mutations are classified into two different sub-categories –one is …

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Top deadliest tourist destinations in the world

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word –Vacation? Well, vacations are more often linked to refreshment and relaxation, aren’t they? Perhaps, there are people who are more into the mysterious side of it; they are more courteous to deadly stuff rather than seeking relaxation. If you are one among them, then here …

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Top countries that do not have US Embassies and Why

There are various reasons for the US to limit their Embassies; some of the obvious reasons include –natural disasters, security concerns, civil unrest, or war. In this article, the countries without US Embassies are listed along with their reasons. However, the countries with short-term closures of US Embassies aren’t included. Iran: The citizens of Iran looking for US Visa will …

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Top 10 weird things found near a lake or a river.

Lakes are not every time considered exciting right. Wait your whole point of view regarding lakes can be changed through this article. Here we are going to discuss some of the weirdest kinds of stuff found near a lake or river. 18TH CENTURY CANNONS AT THE DETROIT RIVER The Detroit rivers obscure contains in it numerous worthy artefacts from old …

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Top 5 work from home jobs

Years back before the dawn of the internet it was a very tedious job to find work at home opportunities. It was much difficult to sort out the scammers and the real ones. But due to the technological advancements and social media influence more secure and legit jobs are coming up to the scene. So here in this article, we …

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Top 10 movies that were banned in the US and the reason behind it

Since beginning of the movie industry, films and documentaries somehow get subjected to controversies that lead to its banning from release. Here are the top 10 movies that were banned in the United States as they violated their rules for controversial content. The Profit(2001) The Profit movie was about a cult that conned its followers in the name of religion. …

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