Naman Bansal

How Milk Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Milk and dairy products are among the food items that are consumed globally and we have been doing so since many generations. However, in recent times, milk and milk products have come under attack from certain sources. There are claims that milk may not be as healthy as it is made out to be. So, what should you do as …

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How Milk Is Beneficial For Heart Health

With an increasing number of cases related to heart problems, people have become very conscious about what they eat and how much they eat. The general perception among people is that fat causes heart problems. This is why people have started avoiding foods that are rich in fats. One of the healthy foods that have become a target of negative …

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ITC Classmate “Be Better Than Yourself” Campaign Sparks A Social Revolution

Marks, marks and more marks – this is all that students normally hear through school and college. This fixation with marks puts tremendous pressure on children, due to which many of them are unable to achievetheir full potential. Guilt, low self-esteem and lack of confidence have also been witnessed among students who are unable to achieve the level of marks …

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Facebook Exposed For Systematic Overcharging on Ads (NOT Fake News)

Thousands of people have been duped by Facebook through exorbitant overcharging on its advertisements. You are shown a small amount on the screen when you book a Facebook advert, but the charges keep spiraling in the background. Many people have reported that their credit/debit cards have maxed out, as a result of systematic overcharging on ads by Facebook. This is …

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Which Digital Marketing Platform Is Best For Your Business

When it comes to large businesses, digital marketing does not pose any significantchallenges to them, as they are readily able to deploy the financial muscle and top talent to get the job done. However, the scenario changes in case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as they may not have adequate resources to unlock the full potential of digital marketing. …

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How to Succeed At Facebook Marketing

Facebook is one of the most important digital marketing tools, as it is versatile, affordable and globally relevant. Anyone looking to promote their brand, product or service can utilize Facebook to get optimal results. For most brands, Facebook is an important part of their digital marketing initiatives, as it provides access to millions of users across the globe. However, not …

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How to Create Winning Content MarketingStrategies

Content marketing has become an intrinsic part of digital marketing, as it has helped businesses in customer acquisition, brand building & awareness, and improved interactions with existing customers and other stakeholders.  However, at the other end of the spectrum, we also see businesses that have either remained clueless about their content marketing strategy or have been unable to create the …

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Zomato– Company Profile

Founded in 2008, Zomato is a leading platform for restaurant search & discovery, online food ordering, and restaurant table reservations. The company was founded by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah and is headquartered in Gurgaon (officially Gurugram). Zomato has been a pioneer in food ordering and restaurant discovery in India, which has benefitted both restaurants and customers. Featuring a robust …

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StanPlus– Company Profile

StanPlus is a leading provider of 24/7 emergency and medical transportation services. The company was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Hyderabad. StanPlus has started its services in Hyderabad and has plans to expand operations across the country. It will be targeting the top cities initially and later expand operations to semi-urban and rural areas. The company is targeting …

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What Are the Doshas in Ayurvedic Treatment?

The concepts and principles of Ayurveda are based on the deeper workings of human body, mind and soul. These are quite complex and outside the realm of what the existing scientific equipment can measure and analyze. Only an experienced Ayurveda consultant can examine the problems that you may be facing and prescribe the most appropriate Ayurvedic treatment. All aspects of …

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