Naman Bansal

Importance of Storytelling in Digital Marketing

Listening or reading stories is something that we grew up with and our penchant for interesting stories continues throughout our lives. Marketers are aware of this human inclination, which is why storytelling has often been the launchpad for many successful brands. Even in today’s age of digital marketing, storytelling remains to be a prominent tool to woo customers. Let’s take …

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Faircent – Company Profile

Launched in 2013 and headquartered in Gurgaon, Faircent is a peer-to-peer lending platform (p2p lending) that directly connects borrowers to lenders. The Faircent platform is an innovation in financial technologies and it challenges the supremacy of banks in the domain of loans. The idea is to reduce costs associated with getting a loan and let borrowers and lenders interact directly …

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Dineout– Company Profile

Dineout is a leading table reservation platform that allows diners to discover new restaurants, book table reservations, get discounts & offers and earn cashbacks. Dineout was launched in 2012 and is headquartered in Delhi. The Dineout platform can be accessed via iOS and Android apps, website and concierge desk. Dineout has registered significant growth over the years and currently offers …

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Get More from Life with These Car Loans

Car loans have made it easier for people to zoom around in their favorite cars. People no longer have to wait for years to save money to buy their favorite car. If you are eligible for a car loan, you can buy your dream car within a week. You can buy any car you want, as car loans are available …

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Top 5 AI Companies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slated to become the mainstay of future technology platforms and innovations. This is why the world’s top tech companies are currently in the race to create the best possible AI. The company that creates the most powerful AI will stake its claim for the fortunes of the future, just like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others have …

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What Does Bhagavad Gita Has to Say about Karma and Surrendering to God?

The Bhagavad Gita provides an exhaustive description about the ideal way to live one’s life and related aspects such as karma, dharma and spirituality. However, just like Arjuna, people tend to get confused about the various teachings of Bhagavad Gita. It’s because people generally focus on individual aspects and they fail to connect the dots to be able to see …

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PokerStars Coming Soon to Delight Poker Fans in India

For some of us, life is all about placing our bets and challenging destiny at every hand. We are the eternal optimists and know that we shall eventually win, even though we may lose a few hands. We apply our mind, strategize and combine it with our luck to create the best possible outcomes. If you love playing cards, especially …

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Apple Vs. Android: Which Is Better?

The world of mobile devices is majorly divided into two broad categories, iOS (iPhone) by Apple and Android by Google. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, something that presents the question as to which one is better and which one you should be buying. Well, this would be difficult to answer since it would depend a lot on your individual …

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Top 10 Hockey Legends of All Times

Field hockey has a long history, with records indicating that the game was played since the Middle Ages in countries like England, Scotland, France and the Netherlands. As of now, field hockey is a popular sport among various Western Europe countries, the Indian subcontinent, Asian countries, parts of United States, Southern African countries, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Over the …

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Why It’s Good To Talk to Your Partner about Your Ex

It’s a general perception that discussing your past relations with your partner is counterproductive. However, this line of thought may not apply to every couple. As a matter of fact, discussing your ex with your partner can actually boost your ongoing relationship. Let’s take a look at some specificreasons, as to why talking to your partner about your ex can …

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