Naman Bansal

Farm Fresh Milk boosts immunity, fights infections, reveals new study

The findings of a new European study comes as good news to regular consumers of cow milk products such as best fullcream milk, organic curd, etc. The study, which deals with the benefits of farm fresh milk, has been published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. As per the findings of the study, it has been revealed that …

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What kind of Dairy has Max Health Benefits?

The answer to that question may be a bit complicated, as the overall quantum of health benefits derived from dairy products will depend on various factors such as your age, health profile, lifestyle, etc. Here are some insights that will help you choose the right dairy products for maximum health benefits. Sedentary lifestyle – For officegoers and homemakers with sedentary …

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Important tips for high altitude trekking

The allure of magnificent mountains has inspired the traveller in many of us. The sheer size of these mountains, the opportunity to witness clear blue skies and breathtaking views of the surrounding region, and the challenge to conquer such great heights are some key motivations to plan a trekking or adventure in the mountains. However, it is important to note …

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Indonesia – A momentous journey of exciting discoveries

For a true traveller, the pleasure is all about exploring exotic locales, experiencing ethnic culture and traditions, relishing local cuisine, and being one with nature. The Republic of Indonesia is one such country that offers unparalleled and wide ranging travel destinations and experiences to people from across the globe. Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago comprising thousands of islands; some …

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Why Rental Homes will be the next big thing in the coming future?

The organized rental homes market is an emerging segment that holds great potential for growth in the near future. Implementation of technology tools and systems, coupled with corporatized property management services, has improved visibility, viability, and accessibility of rental homes for tenants and homeowners. However, investments for providing organized renting services have been miniscule, at a time when the housing …

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Cow milk products for healthy living

Cow milk and cow milk products contain a variety of essential nutrients that our body needs for proper growth and development. The list of nutrients found in cow milk and cow milk products include essentials such as vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin, and niacin, proteins, healthy fats, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium. Cow milk and cow milk products have shown to …

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Things you need to know about full cream milk for babies

Babies grow quite rapidly, and in doing so, they require significant amounts of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Once the baby reaches one year of age, it becomes essential to supplement their diet with external food sources. A good source that is often recommended by pediatricians is cow’s milk, which offers innumerable health benefits. A …

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Benefits of full fat organic curd

dahi health milk

As more and more research studies substantiate the benefits of healthy fats, it seems like a better decision to include full fat milk and milk products in your diet. One of the safest and healthiest choices would be to go for full fat organic curd, which is loaded with a wide variety of nutrients such as proteins, healthy fats, vitamins …

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Full fat organic milk can fight obesity, says new research

Most dieticians would recommend you to go for healthy toned milk, especially if you are obese or on a weight loss mission. While they may be right, since healthy toned milk contains fewer calories than full fat organic milk, new research studies indicate that full fat organic milk may actually be better at reducing the risk of obesity. The new …

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The best full cream milk and related myths

Since ancient times, India has been a heavy consumer of milk and milk products. We are currently the largest producer of dairy in the world. We have been consuming fresh milk for many generations and even today, we continue to do so and derive the associated health benefits. However, since the later part of the twentieth century, scientists in the …

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