Being one of the most ubiquitous organisations of the society the policemen happen to be the most visible representatives of the government. When a citizen doesn’t know what to do and whom to approach in times of difficulty the police station appears to be the most approachable place. But even today citizens are not completely aware of the day to …
Read More »Naman Bansal
Protecting Data at Rest vs Data in Motion
Protecting sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property, or healthcare data, has become a requirement for most businesses collecting and processing these types of data. To preserve the competitive advantage, companies must protect their sensitive information from both malicious outsiders and careless insiders. Depending on its movements, data can be found in three states: data at rest, …
Read More »Bitcoin vs altcoins
How can you be sure that you’re choosing the right option when there are a lot of alternatives to choose from? To differentiate and make the right choice we’ve listed some of the key points stating the difference between the two. Bitcoins are the original cryptocurrencies. They gave birth to the blockchain revolution. It made the transaction more secure and …
Read More »Best ways to earn Instagram followers
You’re missing out on a lot many things if you aren’t using Instagram just yet. It’s a paradise for those who want to show off their brand, stand out and boost their business. With over more than 400 million regular users, Instagram is a place where tons of creative and competitive brands. To grow your business by earning more followers …
Read More »Best ways to keep your Laptop from overheating
Many Laptop owners have experienced the overheating of laptop and it is pretty common as well. But this doesn’t imply that the machine has some serious issues because there are some ways to cool it down. Let’s look at some easy ways to keep your laptop from overheating: Check and clean the fans: Mostly laptops overheat because the fan on …
Read More »Best places all around the world to experience cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms explode every spring all around the globe. Nature seekers are attracted from different corners of the globe to observe the trees blooming pale pink and white flowers. The Japan Meteorological Corporation every year forecasts when the bloom would occur helping the onlookers to plan their trip accordingly. The world celebrates the advent of cherry blossom through organizing various …
Read More »10 healthy recipes for Thyroid patients
The Thyroid is becoming a more acute problem day by day and we can say that because studies have revealed that about 27 million people are suffering from this condition at present. Studies also revealed that even having a mild impairment of thyroid gland can result in cerebral impairment. So, Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped, small gland which is situated at …
Read More »10 Deadliest plants you will ever come across in nature
Like animals, plants too release some chemical substance and make a physical defence to escape from herbivorous animals. In this context being vegetarian might suck. Plants can be deadly too. Listed below are top 10 deadliest plants which will spell doom if you ever come in contact with them. Angel’s Trumpet Being a member of the genus Brugmansia, Angel’s Trumpet …
Read More »7 defence industry innovations that remind us of Skynet
Probably you are wrong if you suspect that Skynet cannot exist in the real world. Dangers of artificial intelligence have been shown in various stories and films. And it is impossible to ignore Skynet in the movie Destroyer. Once it was mentioned by Stephen Hawking that the development of full artificial intelligence would spell the end of the human race. …
Read More »5 of the cutest robot pets you will ever meet
A real pet comes with huge responsibilities and expenses. But if you’re looking for a fuzzy little companion, why don’t you get a robot pet? Nowadays, parents are aware of the benefits of getting their child a robotic pet instead of a real one. Here we are sharing our views on the 5 of the cutest robot pets you will …
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