Ayurveda Treatment for Common Cold and Sinus Infections

With stressful lifestyles and rising pollution, there has been a significant increase in the number of respiratory problems such as common cold and sinusitis. Many people have to suffer from these ailments and the problem is aggravated because these health issues are often chronic in nature. Conventional medicine does not provide permanent cure and the diseases keep repeating at regular intervals. Patients who want long-term relief from respiratory problems such as common cold, sinusitis, etc. can take Ayurvedic treatment. Since Ayurvedic treatment focuses on eliminating the root cause of diseases, patients can get long-term health benefits.

How Ayurveda can help treat respiratory problems

Respiratory problems that are caused by nasal congestion such as common cold and sinusitis can be effectively managed with Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda treatment for common cold and sinusitis will involve Ayurveda therapies, Ayurveda massage, Ayurveda medicines & herbs, and lifestyle changes. One of the most common Ayurveda therapies for nasal congestion is Neti Kriya. This is essentially a way to irrigate the nasal passage, whichremoves the stuck mucus and other debris that may be causing congestion. The technique used in this therapy is referred to as the Neti Pot or Jal Neti.

How Neti Kriya is performed

Nasal saline irrigation is scientifically proven to remove mucus, dirt and other debris from the nasal passage. Things that can cause inflammation such as bacteria, allergens and other types of irritants are also removed through saline nasal irrigation. The Ayurvedic therapy of Neti Kriya follows the same process and is shown to be effective in managing various problems such as common cold, sinusitis, allergies, headache, asthma, sleep apnea, etc. The saline nasal irrigation is typically administered via a Neti pot (Jal Neti). In certain cases, the saline nasal irrigation can also be administered via a thread (Sutra Neti).

Neti Kriya is considered best for the treatment of diseases that can be traced to the supraclavicular region. In this treatment, the nasal passage, along with the nasopharynx and oropharynx, are properly cleaned and irrigated. The main equipment used is a Neti Pot, a small pot made from ceramic material or stainless steel. The pot has a tapered spout, which looks quite similar to that of a teapot.

The treatment process begins by tilting the head of the patient to one side. The Neti Pot is then used to put lukewarm saline water through the nasal passage. Gravity pulls the liquid to the deeper areas inside the nasal passage, effectively removing the mucus, dirt, bacteria and other debris and irritants. At the end of the procedure, the patient is asked to practiceKapalabhati Pranayama, which helps remove any remaining liquid from the nostrils. The doshas that may be present are also removed with the combination of Neti Kriya and Kapalabhati Pranayama.

Scientific evidence for Neti Kriya

Research studies have found evidence that supports the effectiveness of Neti Kriya. In one study, children who took saline nasal irrigation in combination with antihistamine medication reported improved relief from symptoms in comparison to children who took only medication. In another study, it was found that the majority of family physicians had prescribed saline nasal irrigation for their patients in addition to medicine. This combination therapy was effective for providing relief from symptoms associated with upper respiratory problems.


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