Surely, you have heard about medical conditions like heart attack and stroke that can kill humans within hours. However, these are just a few of the many diseases / infections that can prove lethal in a very short time. To help you understand the risks, here’s a quick look at diseases and infections that can kill you within 24 hours. …
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How Vaccines Work
The search for a vaccine has never been so urgent, as it is now in the times of coronavirus pandemic. Several pharmaceutical companies and institutions are working 24/7 to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. So, how does a vaccine work and how it is better than medicine? Well, here are the answers you are looking for. How vaccines work Vaccines …
Read More »Sinu Joseph presents a new perspective towards native menstrual practices on social audio platform Swell
Why women shouldn’t visit Hindu temples, exercise or practice Yoga during menstruation, why menstruation is considered impure and the best practices to ensure menstrual hygiene remained some of the key questions asked by Swell users Sinu also disclosed how sanitary napkin manufacturers are commercializing menstrual products in the name of hygiene Renowned menstrual educator, author and Founder and Managing Trustee …
Read More »Can You Survive Heart Attack Without Treatment?
Heart attack is a growing health issue in modern society. It primarily occurs when coronary arteries get choked and are unable to supply blood that carries oxygen to heart muscles. The severity of heart attack may depend on partial blockage or complete blockage of the coronary artery. Such blockage is often due to buildup of plaque, which can comprise various …
Read More »Where Are World’s Fattest People
While the current focus is on Covid-19 pandemic, there are several other health issues that can be equally disastrous. Key among them are lifestyle diseases like obesity. In the Unites States, close to 40% of the population is obese. However, even at that high rate, US does not rank in top ten list of countries with highest number of obese …
Read More »What Happens If Pacemaker Stops Working?
Over the years, humanity has invented numerous life-saving devices and equipment. One that immediately comes to mind is pacemaker. What a pacemaker does is essentially control your heartbeat. It is usually utilized for patients who have low heart beat or irregular heartbeat. A pacemaker comprises a small battery and electronic circuit that sends electrical pulses to the heart. This ensures …
Read More »Should You Remove Earwax?
For many of us, removing earwax is a regular routine. Even a slight itch in the ears can trigger our desire to remove earwax. Fingers, hairclips, cotton swabs, and anything else that can come handy is used to remove earwax. Some people may also be obsessed about removing earwax, based on the thinking that it’s a dirty thing to have …
Read More »What Happens If You Stop Eating Salt?
There was a time when people fought wars over control of salt resources. Those things are no longer relevant, as industrial production of salt has made it easily available. Prices have also come down considerably. The white stuff that we use every day is essentially sodium chloride. Most of it is derived from sea water post evaporation. Considering our current …
Read More »How Long Can You Live With One Kidney?
Kidneys are among the key organs in our body. Working as filters, their primary function is to remove toxins from the blood. The toxins are then passed out through urine. Kidneys also perform other functions such as removing excess fluid from the body, maintaining electrolyte balance and secreting certain hormones. If our kidneys don’t work properly, it might lead to …
Read More »Why Your Clinic Should Consider Outsourcing Collections
Medical professionals running private practices sometimes get so busy helping their patients that they forget that they also have a business to manage. When this occurs, those same health care workers do not hesitate to hire an accountant to organize their bookkeeping and offer a few temporary solutions. Still, they might be overlooking another solution that would prove to be …
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