Rising pollution, stressful lifestyles, unhealthy food choices and lack of physical exercise have resulted in various types of lung diseases. Factors like obesity/overweight and smoking can also lead to lung diseases. There has been a significant rise in lung-related ailments such as respiratory problems, interstitial lung disease, asthma, obstructive lung disease, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, etc. While allopathic medicines are available, …
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7 Medicines You Should Always Keep At Home
Emergency situations can arise anytime at home. Taking the right decisions can go a long way in saving lives. One of the key things you will need to effectively deal with emergency situations are medicines. As it may take some time to reach the hospital, medicines given at the right time can increase the chances of survival. Here’s a list …
Read More »Was There Lockdown Before Covid-19? Here’s The Truth
They may not have been termed as ‘lockdown’, but restrictions on movement of people, vehicles and other things have been enforced several times in the past. Such lockdowns have been imposed for a wide variety of reasons including pandemics, terrorism, natural disasters and man-made disasters. For better understanding, let’s take a look at some of the lockdowns that were imposed …
Read More »Healthy tips while gymming
Authored by Dr Sanjay Bhat, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Aster CMI Hospital Regular physical exercise is important to keep our bodies fit. It helps maintain a healthy weight, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts energy and promotes better sleep. However, one must keep in mind that over-exercising can be harmful. Moderate exercise is best for physical and mental …
Read More »How Pulse Oximeter Works?
At a time when humanity is swamped with Covid-19 pandemic, pulse oximeter has emerged as an effective monitoring tool. It is useful for Covid-19 patients as well as folks who may be at risk of getting the infection. Pulse oximeter is not meant to diagnose Covid infection, but it can help avoid panic and confusion. If the oxygen levels are …
Read More »Reasons Why You Cannot Donate Blood
Human blood is something that is always in short supply. There are several reasons for this including the short shelf life of blood, the need to match blood types and myths associated with donating blood. Another key reason for shortage of blood is that not everyone can donate blood. You may feel that you are quite healthy, but that alone …
Read More »Most Deadly Epidemics In Human History
Every generation is faced with life altering challenges and no marks for guessing what we are facing right now. Covid-19 pandemic needs no introduction and it continues to devastate our lives in the worst possible manner. As of now, total Covid-19 deaths have reached a staggering 2.6 million globally. However, you will be surprised to know that there have been …
Read More »Which Country Has Highest Suicide Rate?
Suicide is a global phenomenon and is not limited to any particular community, country, or socio-economic status. There are various reasons why people commit suicide, some of which are financial distress, loss of a loved one, breakup, terminal illness, conviction in a crime, bullying, discrimination, etc. Mental health issues such as bipolar disorder, depression, substance use disorders, psychosis and post-traumatic …
Read More »yoga
The story of “Incredible India” added a new chapter in its list of achievements on December 11, 2014 when the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 as the International Yoga Day. This was anounced after PM Narendra Modi called for its adoption during his address to the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014. This was indeed a great …
Read More »Retinopathy – A severe ramification of diabetes
Diabetes has seen a surge in the recent past, however, the preventable blindness caused by the disease too is on the rise. Having more than normal blood sugar levels may not be a direct cause of blindness, but it does increase the chance of developing serious eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to permanent loss of vision over …
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