The benefits of milk and milk products are common knowledge. It’s one of nature’s most potent food sources, containing a wide variety of essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, fats, and minerals. With so many benefits, it’s not surprising that many famous people are also fond of milk and milk products. Here’s a list of famous Indianswho have made milk …
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Fresh milk for a good night’s sleep
Are sleepless nights making your life miserable? Well, you are not the only one facing such issues. In today’s faced-paced lifestyle, stress has gained phenomenal acceleration and always seems ahead of a good night’s sleep. Thousands of people today suffer from sleep deprivation, which has been identified as a cause for various ailments. However, you will be surprised to know …
Read More »Fresh milk for building muscle mass
Fresh milk, especially full cream milk, has always been an important part of the diet of Indian wrestlers who practice in traditional ‘akharas’ throughout the country. While bodybuilders in the West mostly rely on animal and whey protein to build muscle mass, traditional Indian wrestlers are known for their reliance on milk and milk products. While the effectiveness of milk …
Read More »Dairy products a good option for vegetarians on Keto Diet
Overweight and obesity have become serious health issues in today’s time. These have been associated with a wide variety of life threatening conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, organ failure, etc. To treat these conditions, a number of diet regimes have emerged in recent times, one of them being the Keto Diet. Let’s see why dairy products such as …
Read More »Double toned milk nutrition better suited for modern lifestyles
We know the benefits of fresh milk and organic full cream milk, but if we bring modern lifestyles in the picture, then we can see that double toned milk nutrition may be a better alternative. Let’s see how double toned milk nutrition scores over fresh milk and organic full cream milk nutrition, especially when we are talking about people with …
Read More »Uncommon uses of milk and milk products
It’s common knowledge that milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, and fresh tasty dahi are great for your health and overall wellbeing. However, in recent times, the usage of these products has surpassed traditional patterns. Let’s take a look at how people are making innovative use of milk and milk products. Post …
Read More »Dairy products for babies and toddlers
Parents are often unsure about the question as to what to feed babies and toddlers. It’s because parents care about their children and they would not want to feed anything bad to them, which might affect their health or hinder their growth and development. One of the food items that is often discussed is dairy products such as tasty dahi, …
Read More »Milk options galore – which one’s best for you?
When we go shopping for milk, we usually come across a wide variety of options such as full fat organic milk, toned milk, double toned milk, etc. The nutritional information is displayed on most products, but it does not specify whether it would be suitable for us or not. So, how can we decide what type of milk is suitable …
Read More »Why regular milk is better than soy milk
In recent times, a lot of hype has been created around soy milk, which is made from the seeds of soybean plant. Soy milk is being marketed as an alternative to regular milk and milk products such as best full cream milk, organic curd, cow milk products, etc. Due to extensive marketing of such products, many people are giving up …
Read More »Organic curd boosts heart health among women
A new study has found that organic curd has the potential to boost heart health among women. The results of this study are significant because cardiovascular problems have become one of the leading causes of death globally, for both men and women. One of the key indicators of the possibility of heart disease is high blood pressure (hypertension), which occurs …
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