The answer is ‘yes’, but the term ‘punishment’ is not the right way to describe it. The term ‘punishment’ is just a word for human understanding. If you look at it from nature’s perspective, it’s more of a cause and effect thing. The universal forces are not ‘punishing’ us; rather, each of our actions has a specific effect, which we …
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What Is Faith According To The Gita?
If we refer to a dictionary, the term ‘faith’ means to have complete trust and confidence in something or someone. Faith has also been mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, the most sacred religious book for the Hindus. The meaning of faith as per the Bhagavad Gita is not very different from the meaning given in a dictionary. According to the …
Read More »What Does Bhagavad Gita Has to Say about Karma and Surrendering to God?
The Bhagavad Gita provides an exhaustive description about the ideal way to live one’s life and related aspects such as karma, dharma and spirituality. However, just like Arjuna, people tend to get confused about the various teachings of Bhagavad Gita. It’s because people generally focus on individual aspects and they fail to connect the dots to be able to see …
Read More »DIY Storage Ideas
DIY storage ideas are a good way to reduce clutter in your home by organizing things that may just be lying scattered all around. These ideas also allow you to make good use of the old stuff in your home. Here are some cool DIY storage ideas that will transform your home and free a lot of living space. Laundry …
Read More »Water – The most precious commodity on Earth
There was a time when fresh water was abundant on our planet Earth. However, with booming population growth and rapid industrialization, countries like India are left battling a chronic water crisis. On the eve of International World Water Day, March 22, 2016, we, at Newspatrolling, take upon the mission to spread awareness about water conservations and its importance in ensuring …
Read More »Mystery deepens over the seized Rs 570 crore
Several estimates suggest that India’s black market economy easily runs into thousands of crores. Although it is too early to conclusively say that the Rs 570 crore seized by the Election Commission of India has come from the black market economy, the mystery surrounding the same has certainly deepened. Earlier, with reports that RBI has claimed ownership of the cash, …
Read More »Feel the heat, feel the pain
Summers are a grueling time for most of us in India, as the sun scorches the land and sends the mercury soaring to as much as 45 degree Celsius and more at some places. The heat is so strong during summer months that even the idea of simple tasks like going out to fetch groceries feels extremely difficult to execute. …
Read More »Current steps taken by the government to control Delhi’s Pollution
Over the last decade, Delhi has always been in the news for its high pollution levels. This ill-famed legacy seems to have worsened even more, as the World Health Organization (WHO) recently rated Delhi the most polluted city in the world. As per the report published by WHO, PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels in Delhi have consistently remained in …
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