CHOICE Life Insurance introduces iNVESTSHIELD

We are going through uncertain times, something that makes it necessary to create long-term wealth and ensure financial protection for our family in case of any adverse situation. The good news is that you can now achieve both these objectives with the iNVESTSHIELD Plan, launched by Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance (CHOICE). The company is a joint venture between Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings Limited, with a shareholding of 51%, 23% and 26% respectively. This formidable union of financial leaders brings with it the best of financial expertise and trust, which you can leverage to financially secure your future and that of your loved ones.

You can customize the iNVESTSHIELD Plan to suit your specific needs. There are 3 benefit options available with the plan and you can select any one of these based on your requirement. For example, you can choose ‘Life Option’ if you are targeting to create maximum wealth for your family. The second is the ‘Life Option with Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)’, which provides additional protection against accidental death. The third is the ‘Life Option with Premium Funding Benefit (PFB)’, which will ensure that in case of any adverse situation, your family will have funds to take care of immediate financial needs as well as secure the benefits of long-term wealth creation.

Why choose iNVESTSHIELD Plan?

Here are some of the key advantages that the iNVESTSHIELD Plan offers:

  • Maximum returns – At the time of maturity of your policy, you will receive the Fund Value as per the prevailing NAVs. Since your funds are managed by the most seasoned financial experts, you can expect much better returns, as compared to other available options.
  • Ample liquidity – iNVESTSHIELD allows you to make partial withdrawals from your policy to meet any of your urgent financial needs. This way, you will not have to worry about completely surrendering your policy when faced with unforeseen developments.
  • Tax benefits – You can claim tax benefit on premium amount under Section 80C and on benefit received from the policy under section 10 (10D).
  • Safety switch option – You can utilize this option to secure your funds against market volatility. You can do that by moving your funds to a low risk Liquid Fund.
  • Loyalty additions – You policy will be entitled to Loyalty Additions in the form of additional allocation of units to your Unit Linked Fund(s). This will boost the maturity value of your policy.
  • Buy online – You can buy the iNVESTSHIELD Plan directly from

If you need more information about the iNVESTSHIELD Plan, you can send an email at You can also arrange for a call back by providing your name and number on the website.

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