Diabetes and Kidney Disease – Understanding the Connection

Have you checked for early signs of kidney damage in diabetes? Uncontrolled diabetes can impact on major organs like Kidneys and it is important to keep a check on health records !

Yes, Diabetes affects kidneys – Look for early signs!

When blood sugar levels are raised, they can harm the small blood vessels in your kidneys. These vessels are like filters, helping your kidneys clean your blood by removing waste and sending it out in your urine. Think of them as millions of little supporters inside your kidneys, working hard to keep your blood clean.

If diabetes is not managed well, it can cause serious issues, where the kidneys do not work as well as before and complication of the same if left untreated can lead to Kidney damage and also dialysis at late stage. So it is important to look for early signs and routine health checkup can detect the same. At early stages of kidney damage kidney excrets one protein called as albumin. Small qty of the albumin excreted in urine indicates early damage in filtration wall of Kidneys and it can be detected by simple urine test.

Early detection and lifestyle alterations

Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (UACR): UACR test detects albumin, a protein, in your urine. Normally, only small amounts should be there. If there’s a lot of albumin, it’s a sign your kidneys might be leaking protein i.e. presence of kidney problems.

Creatinine blood test: This test checks the level of a waste product called creatinine in your blood. Healthy kidneys should filter out creatinine, so high levels might mean kidney trouble. It also helps calculate the working ability of kidneys.

Knowing how diabetes and kidney disease affect each other is crucial. It will help to find better options to prevent and treat these health problems for everyone.


Doctor Name: Dr Parag Shah, DM (Endocrinology), DNB (Endocrinology), Gujarat Endocrine Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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