Has there been a change in SEO practices due to introduction of Penguin and Panda Google updates?

SEO is essential for your website. However, you also need to understand that all of the SEO techniques are not suitable for your website and are not required either. Specific methods of Search Engine Optimization take ample time to produce results, yet are useful if you look at them in the long run. While there are some SEO techniques that though fetch you quick results, begin to lose their charm within no time.

Inexperienced webmasters may argue against it, suggesting that SEO is absolutely unnecessary. But, let us tell you that Google is the expert in sieving the good sites from the bad. Lately, Google has updated two of its algorithms namely –Google Panda and Google Penguin. This article, particular revolves around the notion of whether any changes in SEO is required due to the introduction of these new algorithms. Read on to find out your answer.

Google Panda:

The algorithm update lately made by Google is more likely to strike your website. The algorithm is set to evaluate your website on the basis of the quality of content uploaded. The pages containing high-quality content shall be rewarded with high ranks on the SERP, and the other which include otherwise shall be ranked low. Basically, to pass the test of the Google Panda algorithm, you need to pass the test of on-page optimization with the search engine.

How is Google Panda triggered?

1-When the content is thin: Writing a thin content for your website doesn’t clarify the fact that you have to be very blunt or use as minimum words as possible. But, thin content usually refers to answering the queries of your potential website visitors without sounding too laconic.

2-When content is of low quality: Make sure that the content you upload is well polished and at least makes sense. This doesn’t mean that your content needs to contain such words, which will force the user to use the dictionary. Look to that your content is free of inappropriate images and designs which could confuse the user.

Google Penguin:

The Penguin algorithm update is also going to hit your website if it isn’t optimized with appropriate backlinks. While Google Panda and Google Penguin have things in common, they evaluate the website based on different factors. To optimize your website to pass the test for the Penguin algorithm, make sure that your site contains appropriate backlinks. They will affect your website’s ranking if:

  • They are connected to the contents that are entirely relevant for your website
  • They are taken from trustworthy sources
  • They are received from multiple domains
  • They are contextually related to the stuff uploaded over your website

As a matter of fact, if the backlinks are from shady and dubious sources, they are going to affect your website’s SERP ranking negatively.


Two things that you need to keep in mind while you are optimizing your website with the Search engine is to have proper backlinks and practice top-notch on-page optimization. And you are all set to past the tests of the Penguin and Panda algorithm, respectively.

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