How to Maintain Cardiovascular Health in The Winters

The most frequent health risk you face in the winter is the cold, yet many people mistakenly think that the threat is significant because of frostbite or hypothermia. Your health, particularly your heart, may be impacted by the temperature drop in unexpected ways. Heart problems, respiratory conditions, and viruses that are extremely infectious are some of the primary risk factors that winter brings. Frenzy or hypothermia are two common misconceptions about the threat. People with heart disease are more at risk of a heart attack or cardiac arrest due to the reduction in temperature during the winter.

Wintertime is when strokes and heart attacks are most prevalent. When the temperature outside lowers, so does the body temperature, causing the heart to beat more quickly to keep you warm. People occasionally go into sudden cardiac arrest, which is the abrupt cessation of all heart function brought on by highly strenuous exercise, or they may even pass away from it. Within seconds, the person’s breathing and blood flow cease, and they fall unconscious and die. These diseases may be treated while still leading a normal life thanks to easy and efficient heart-healthy habits.

Become aware of the heart attack’s early indicators and symptoms

If you feel a severe chest pain which is unbearable and radiating to your neck, shoulder and hand, it’s the most common symptom of heart attacks. Symptoms may vary for men and women. Men occasionally complain of nausea and dizziness whereas women complain of atypical symptom like dizziness and unexplained fatigue. Refer to below infographics for more details.

Regarding the winter, there are a few things to consider.

  1. A heart-healthy diet should be followed: The American Heart Association (AHA) advises maintaining a balanced dietary pattern that places a focus on a range of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless chicken and fish, nuts and legumes, and non-tropical vegetable oils in order to promote heart health.
  2. Consistently exercising is advised: Your endurance and muscle strength may both be increased with regular exercise. In addition to helping your cardiovascular system function more effectively, exercise provides your tissues with nourishment and oxygen. You’ll have more energy to get things done throughout the day as your heart and lung health improve.
  3. Even if you don’t have a history of illness, you should still get regular health screenings. Consult your doctor to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels within the normal range by checking your readings
  4. Do not consume too much alcohol: Alcohol abuse can cause your body to overheat, which can be harmful while you’re outside in the cold. Drink moderately as the body takes time to adjust to changing temperatures (not more than two drinks a week). At all means, smoking should be avoided. One of the main causes of heart illnesses or heart failure is cigarette smoking.
  5. You may reduce your risk factors by quitting smoking, diabetes, and hypertension.
  6. Make sure you take care of yourself by going to the hospital as soon as you feel any irritability in your chest or the surrounding region.

Thanks to technological breakthroughs that priorities preserving heart health, everyone who is at risk of developing heart disease and its consequences has a lot to look forward to. During the winter, it’s crucial to keep up a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. You can maintain your heart healthy all year long if you eat correctly, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.


-The article is attributed to Dr. Anuj Chaudhary, Founder of Animal Booster Nutrition and Anihac Pharma

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