Is Santa real?

Christmas is the time for gifts, cookies, decorations, and lots more interesting and fun stuff. And of course, there’s Santa to add some extra excitement to the celebrations. Santa is loved and adored by kids and they almost wait the entire year for his arrival. Even as kids are fascinated by Santa, many kids are curious and may want to know if Santa Claus is real. Kids of the current generation have become a lot smarter and are always looking for answers.

If your kid asks you ‘Is Santa real?’, there are different approaches you can try. The answers will be based on the age and level of understanding of your kid. It will also depend on whether your kid is looking for real answers or just wants to hear some nice stories about Santa. Here are some approaches you can try if your kid asks is Santa real.

Counter question – If your kids are too young to understand the real stories, you can ask a counter question. For example, you can ask your kid as to why they think Santa is not real. This will probably make them think harder and they may forget the original question – is Santa real? Anyways, it will be interesting to see what’s going on in their minds and what they think about Santa.

Santa vs. gifts – If your kid asks about Santa, you can offer them a choice between gifts and Santa’s story. It will be interesting to see what they choose. Kids love gifts and they are likely to choose this option. Some really curious ones, however, might want to forgo the gifts and may request for more info about Santa. You can make up your own interesting stories about Santa or tell them the facts about how it all started.

Share the real Santa story – For older kids, it’s best to tell them the real story about Santa. As per historical records, Santa Claus represents Saint Nicholas, who lived around third century. He came from a village named Patara, which is now located in modern-day Turkey. Saint Nicholas was a kind man and had done numerous good deeds. Local people used to refer to him as the protector of children and sailors.

Stories about Saint Nicholas became a legend overtime and were shared across Europe. When German, Swiss and Dutch immigrants came to America, they brought with them the tradition of Saint Nicholas. It eventually evolved into the modern-day red-suited Santa Claus that most of us know today.

You can use any of the approach described above to satisfy your kid’s curiosity. If you have something creative in your mind, you can try that too. Just make sure your kids don’t end up disappointed, as Christmas time is all about fun and celebrations.

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