Organic curd boosts heart health among women

A new study has found that organic curd has the potential to boost heart health among women. The results of this study are significant because cardiovascular problems have become one of the leading causes of death globally, for both men and women. One of the key indicators of the possibility of heart disease is high blood pressure (hypertension), which occurs when blood pushes against the blood vessels with a higher than normal pressure. Overtime, in the absence of therapy or medication, high blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. The new research study has found that women who regularly consumed fresh tasty dahi had a reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.

The findings of the research study were presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology/Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions. The research study involved a group of women aged between 25 and 55 years. Data related to the dietary patterns and medical history of these women was collected over several years and analyzed. The researchers found that women who consumed five or more servings of organic curd every week had a 20% reduced risk of developing high blood pressure, in comparison to women who consumed only around one serving of organic curd per month. In a press release, it was mentioned that regular intake of dairy products, especially fresh tasty dahi, reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure and subsequent diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Researchers also compared the dietary patterns of the study group with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. The DASH diet has been designed to help people to naturally treat or prevent high blood pressure. This diet is a 2000-calorie diet and recommends people to focus on eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products that have reduced level of cholesterol, saturated fats, and sugar. Researchers found that women whose diets closely matched the DASH diet and who ate five or more servings of organic curd per week were the ones who had the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure.

The findings of the research study prove that fresh tasty dahi is great for your overall health and wellness. Organic curd has been a part of our diet since generations, so that also is proof that it has plenty of health benefits. Including 1-2 servings of fresh tasty dahi in your diet everyday seems like a good idea.

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