Organic milk has more good fats

There’s good news for people who prefer organic full cream milk and organic milk products. Recent research studies have shown that organic full fat milk contains higher levels of healthy fats such as Omega-3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid with numerous health benefits. Researchers have found that on average, organic milk contained around 56 percent more Omega-3 in comparison to non-organic varieties of milk.

Types of Omega-3 fats

The most health benefits of Omega-3 are associated with those that are derived from animal sources. Animal based Omega-3, such as those derived from organic milk and organic milk products are rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which provide most of the health benefits. In comparison, plant based sources provide alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), which is not as beneficial as EPA and DHA. The body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA, but the output is very low, so increasing ALA will not have any significant health benefits.

Benefits of Omega-3

Heart health – An Italian research study involving 11,324 heart attack survivors found that people who took in more Omega-3 through supplementation had significantly reduced risk of another heart attack, stroke or death. Similar results were noticed in a separate American research study, where it was found that people who ate Omega-3 rich foods once or more than once in a week had a 50% reduced risk of dying from a sudden cardiac event, as compared to people who ate Omega-3 rich foods less than once a month.

Improved regulation of cholesterol triglyceride levels – Omega-3 fatty acids normalize and regulate cholesterol triglyceride levels, resulting in improved heart health. Triglyceride levels are an effective display of the body’s ability to maintain a healthy lipid profile, which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart. Numerous research studies have revealed that Omega-3 is anti-arrhythmic (prevents or counteracts cardiac arrhythmia), anti-thrombotic (prevents thrombosis or a blood clot in a blood vessel), anti-atherosclerotic (prevents fatty deposits and fibrosis of the inner layer of arteries), and anti-inflammatory (counteracts inflammation).

Improved learning among children – Research studies have shown that Omega-3 helps maximize a child’s intellectual potential. Findings of a research study published in June 2013 show that low levels of DHA are linked to poor reading and problems related to memory and behavior among healthy school-age children. In another research study published in August 2013, it was found that children who had taken Omega-3 supplements when they were infants, scored higher in areas such as rule learning, vocabulary, and intelligence testing at ages 3 to 5.

It has also been indicated in earlier research studies that problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related behavior or learning disabilities may have their links to low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats sourced from animal sources such as organic full cream milk and organic milk products are great for brain health, as they boost dopamine levels in the brain, promote neuronal growth in the frontal cortex, and improve cerebral circulation.

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