RTLS Trends You Should Look Into

Technology and innovations have significantly impacted the business sector in numerous ways. You will need to incorporate technology into your company to boost profits, efficiency, and productivity. Among the technologies your company should adopt is the real-time location system (RTLS). This system is commonly used in healthcare and warehouses, where it is more effective.

What is RTLS?

A real-time location system includes a system that facilitates data and information and utilizes several technologies during implementation. These technologies include active and passive RFID and semi-active RFID. RTLS is adopted into real-time locating systems to help realize maximum tracking levels to cater to your needs. Most organizations use real-time location systems to gain practical insights and improve business intelligence, thus elevating operational efficiency.

Nevertheless, the accuracy of these systems is determined by the environment and the item being tracked. After configuring your system, you should expect to acquire accurate information updates after a specific period. Again, you can regulate your app to notify you when each ta passes a particular checkpoint.

The RTLS trends to look out for include the following.

Location Technologies for Outdoor Tracking

In the past, fleet management solutions included the most common solutions for indoor goods movement. Nevertheless, technology has facilitated the development of more solutions allowing various gadgets to support floor movement and outdoor tracking across different facilities. Currently, tracking devices support the activation and deactivation of other outdoor and indoor technologies. For instance, cars can feature outdoor and indoor technology such as UWB or Bluetooth direction for the indoor location.

Bluetooth Direction-Finding Solutions

With more technological advancements, there is hope to witness more Bluetooth-finding systems for mobile gadgets. These advances will incorporate GPS features, allowing technology to stand out on outdoor sites. The most common features might include the following;

  • Easy implementation and integration among different devices
  • Unlimited capacity
  • Inbuilt privacy
  • Simple architecture

These similar features will make it easy and possible to develop reliable and accurate low-cost solutions. Therefore, the solutions will help navigate mobile computers, forklifts, and automated vehicles. Additionally, they will encourage teamwork between companies, thus improving continuing activities and enabling Bluetooth standardization.

Different RTLS Portfolio Locating Strategies

You may adopt technology and realize later that it is not practical or does not perform up to your expectations. Fortunately, you can now easily customize various locating technologies to cater to your needs. Currently, the market provides multiple RTLS technologies, which include UWB, Wi-Fi, RFID, and Bluetooth. These technologies feature several characteristics where your choice depends on the location accuracy and specific technology needed.

Upcoming RTLS systems that Facilitate Communication Between Various Software Systems

Among the most significant issues for users, industries include interoperability. Luckily, technology has provided new RTLS systems which enable communication between software systems and enterprises. Therefore, this accessibility allows easier information disbursement. Additionally, suppliers can use the system to enhance product flexibility through interoperability-supporting solutions. The suppliers will also provide better interoperable product solutions, thus gaining a more significant market share.

RTLS Solutions for Locating Warehouse Inventory

If you are working in a massive and busy warehouse, you must have noted that it is challenging to locate the inventory manually. Therefore, there is a need to adopt RTLS solutions that will help you identify and manage your list. Fortunately, these solutions have become common in warehouses and supply chain management, ensuring there is a solution for each person. Operational visibility and automation allow enhanced product visualization in the supply chain. On the other hand, you can adopt RTLS technology which involves shipping, storing, and receiving materials in your warehouse. The technology will allow you to reap several benefits, which include enhanced visibility and easy shipment and inventory tracking. Thus, this will lead to customer satisfaction and efficiency.

Benefits of Real-Time Location Systems

  • It helps improve and maintain inventory accuracy while eliminating costly and laborious inventory audits. This helps save time as well.
  • Helps achieve forklift safety
  • An appropriate RTLS helps in labor management and delivers massive cost savings.
  • It helps improve efficiency in your business as you can quickly identify and calculate where and how time is lost.
  • It helps improve your business operation, guaranteeing more productivity through access to helpful information.


To achieve the success of your real time location system, you must know how to utilize the information to achieve improvement. Besides, having access to information and data is typically the primary activity that must be accompanied by learning how to implement it into tangible business benefits. Remember that the system only allows you to gather data for analysis from each department. In turn, this increases your warehouse management intelligence. Failure to have an ideal RTLS solution will make your company rely essentially on educated guesses, which can be inaccurate and time-consuming. Access to appropriate information and data is crucial to business success; thus, it must not be taken lightly.

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