Top 5 Safest Countries For Women

Irrespective of whether you are travelling for education, business or pleasure, it’s good to know a bit about the destination. This is especially true for women traveling along. It would be helpful if you know what to expect, things to avoid and some basic information about local culture and way of life. If you want to avoid unnecessary risks, it would be better to travel to countries that are considered safe for women. To understand your options, here’s a list of the top five safest countries for women.

Denmark – Located in Northern Europe, Denmark is a Nordic country. It is ranked amongst the most socially and economically developed countries in the world. Unemployment rate is in single digits and even the unemployed are provided unemployment benefits. Other positive aspects about Denmark include its low level of income inequality and good education system. All these factors have ensured that Denmark has low crime rate.

Sweden – Located in Nordic region, Sweden is the largest country in Northern Europe. Its people enjoy high per capita income and high standard of living. Sweden is ranked eleventh in the world in terms of per capita income. Overall unemployment rate is in single digit. Although crime rate has been rising in Sweden since 2014, it is still comparable to other European countries.

Norway – Located in the Nordic region, Norway is placed at fourth place in the world in terms of per capita income. Just like other Nordic countries, Norway has a robust social security, education and universal health care system. In the World Happiness Report, the people of Norway were ranked at first place. Unemployment rate is in single digit and crime rate is among the lowest in the world.

Netherlands – Located in Western Europe, Netherlands is ranked eleventh in the world in terms of per capita income. It was the first country to provide legal approval to same-sex marriage. In terms of happiness, Netherlands is ranked at fifth place. Unemployment rate is in single digit and crime against women is at safe levels.

Finland – A Nordic country, Finland is ranked at 14th place in per capita income in the world. Its people are among the happiest, as per the World Happiness Report from 2018 to 2020. Unemployment rate is in single digit and crime rate is comparable to other rich European countries.

If you are travelling to these locations, you will be relatively safe as compared to other countries. However, never become complacent or careless. Always make sure to follow recommended safety guidelines. These countries may be safe, but they are not completely free of crime.

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