Water – The most precious commodity on Earth

There was a time when fresh water was abundant on our planet Earth. However, with booming population growth and rapid industrialization, countries like India are left battling a chronic water crisis. On the eve of International World Water Day, March 22, 2016, we, at Newspatrolling, take upon the mission to spread awareness about water conservations and its importance in ensuring sustainable human development.

Importance of World Water Day

Held annually on March 22, the World Water Day seeks to educate all stakeholders about the importance of freshwater and how they can contribute towards sustainable management of freshwater resources. This day came into existence via a notification issued by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992. The World Water Day provides an opportunity to every individual to learn more about issues related to water conservation and management, share their ideas and opinions, and take action to make a difference.

Common water related problems in India

Water scarcity is not a natural problem in India. It is mainly due to irresponsible use of water and lack of infrastructure for water conservation. Based on available data, Newspatrolling points out to a looming water crisis in India that requires urgent action. Research studies have indicated that nearly 77 million people in India lack access to safe water. Further, India is likely to become a water-scarce country by 2025, primarily due to climate change events and lack of focus on water conservation. Here are some factors that have led to a water scarcity situation in India.

Large agricultural economy – Agriculture in India is a huge water guzzler, primarily due to traditional methods of irrigation that relies on bulk water consumption. With rising population, agriculture will need even more water to make ends meet. Modern systems such as drip-irrigation systems need to be provided to farmers in India, preferably at subsidized rates.

Misuse of water – There is widespread lack of awareness about the importance of water conservation among the masses in India. This is an area where Newspatrolling would like to focus its resources to bring about a tangible change in water conservation.

Water pollution – Due to weak government rules and regulations, households and industries don’t care much about releasing their polluted waste in streams, rivers and other water bodies. This leads to contamination of fresh water sources.

Erratic rainfall – In recent times, the monsoons have been largely erratic in the Indian sub-continent. There have been so many variations that at the same time, one region has been seen experiencing severe drought-like situation whereas another part of the country is deluged with floods. Scientists have pointed out to the El Niño Climate Cycle as the potential cause for erraticmonsoons in India.

Lack of water conservation infrastructure – A lot can be changed with simple techniques such as rainwater harvesting, building check dams & reservoirs, and interlinking canals, rivers and other water bodies. Even though such programs are already operational in India, these need to be implemented on a large scale to make any significant difference to water conservation.

How you can help towards water conservation?

The first thing you need to do is being watchful of your water usage. It could be simple things like turning the tap off when not needed and avoiding water wastage. The next thing you can do is encourage your family members to do the same. Then, you can also involve your community members and civic bodies to see if systems like rainwater harvesting and waste water recycling can be implemented in your housing society or locality. Newspatrolling would like you to know that even your seemingly small efforts will go a long way to spread awareness about water conservation. So let’s take up the mission of water conservation on this World Water Day, March 22, 2016, and aim to make safe water accessible to each and every member of our great nation.

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