Asking relevant questions at the end of aninterview can contribute significantly to your chances of getting hired. If you ask the right questions at the end of aninterview, it shows that you are interested in the job. On the other hand, if you don’t ask any questions, it reflectsyour disinterest. This can leave a negative perception in the mind of the interviewer. By asking questions, you show that you are looking forward to the job and are trying to understand your role, your team, your boss, the organization, and the road ahead. Asking questions at the end of an interview also demonstrates your maturity level, your intelligence, the level of knowledge and understanding you have and how clear you are about your career goals. Given below are some of the most relevant questions you can ask at the end of an interview.

What would be my exact roles and responsibilities?
This question will indicate that you are looking forward to your new job. When the interviewer answers this question, you will get to know the challenges and opportunities that are there in your new job. In response to what the interviewer might say, you can also share some of the things that you may have forgotten to tell during the interview.
Can you tell me something about the team I’ll be working with?
This question shows that you are confident of getting the job and are looking forward to join the team. The answer to this question will let you know about the team size, the profile of the team members, reporting authority and your immediate boss.
What are the growth opportunities in this job?
This question indicates that you have set specific career goals and are working to achieve them. It also shows that you are not desperate for the job and enjoy the liberty to choose.
What would define success in my new job?
This question shows that you are not just looking for a job, but are actually aiming to achieve success. The answer to this question will let you know the challenges that you may face in your new job.
Can you tell me something about the culture of the company?
This will show that you are here not just for monetary gains, but things like organizational culture also matter to you.
What do you like best about working in this company?
This question will allow you to connect with the interviewer at a personal level. Based on what the interviewer might answer, you can provide your own inputs about how the good things in the company matter to you.
Do you have any issues with my resume, experience or qualifications?
This question will give you a chance to provide any clarifications that may be required. It’s better to be upfront rather than allow an adverse situation to build up wherein the interviewer may have developed doubts about your profile.
Who are the competitors of the company?
You can ask this question if you are applying for growth-related jobs such as sales and marketing. This will show that you want to hit the ground running and are willing to proactively learn more about the organization. You can ask related questions such as the company’s products and services, growth plans, strategies, etc.
What are the next steps in the process?
This shows your confidence about getting the job. This is probably the last and the most important question you need to ask. The answer to this question will let you know about other interviews and tests that you may be required to take.
Interviewers have limited time, so avoid asking more thanfive questions. The relevancy of questions is important here and not how many questions you ask. Prepare for around ten questions and then choose which ones to ask based on how the interview may have progressed. Do not ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions and avoid tricky questions.