12,000 QuackQuack users debunked a common myth about online dating- 28% said hookups are a thing of the past

In a recent consumer study by the Indian dating app QuackQuack, 12,000 active users spoke about common misconceptions about online dating and debunked them, citing personal experiences of dating online. Contrary to popular belief, a significant portion of respondents, 28% to be exact, indicated that hookups are indeed a thing of the past in the online dating world. Most individuals over an average age of 27 are on dating apps to find a serious and exclusive partner and have expressed an explicit desire to be in a long-term and committed relationship. Hence, the myth that “online dating promotes the hookup culture” was dismissed by these users belonging to Tier 1, 2, and 3 Indian cities. The respondents, aged between 20 and 40, came from varied backgrounds predominantly composed of entrepreneurs, engineering, IT and healthcare professionals, sales and marketing experts, teachers, home makers and a subset of students pursuing higher studies.

Commenting on the study, QuackQuack’s Founder and CEO, Ravi Mittal, said, “The findings from our recent consumer study highlight the profound shift occurring in the online dating world space. We have a user base of 30+ Million, and from our observation of user behavior, coupled with testimonies from active users, we can confidently say that online dating has taken a ‘serious’ turn; more than 80% of the daters in our platform are seeking meaningful connections. We notice a diminished number of speed matches, and people are taking their time to connect, focusing less on the quantity and more on quality.”

Myth: Dating apps are for Hookups

Online dating was once associated with casual relationships focusing on hookups, friends with benefits, and in general, a platform to seek relationships without commitment. But times have changed, and now, online dating platforms are the face of meaningful connections, said more than 36% of active daters from Tier 1 and 2 cities. Tier 3 cities, on the other hand, stressed the platform’s efficacy in finding genuine companionship without romance. Friendship is a bestseller in smaller cities and towns in India. The data collected by QuackQuack underlines a clear shift from fleeting connections to ones that will stick for a lifetime, with over 58% of the respondents revealing having used words like “forever,” “lifetime,” and “genuine” in their bios to attract the right kind of matches.

Myth: Dating apps are for Metropolitan Indians

While some people cling to the traditional concept of arranged marriages, where parental involvement overshadows the preferences of the individuals truly involved in the marriage, the newer generations are diverging from it and challenging the efficacy of the system. There is an air of doubt on online dating and whispers suggesting that it is preferred only by the metropolitan Indians, but 41% of Tier 2 and 3 men and women above 30 beg to differ. They have not only been using online dating apps to look for a compatible partner but have also been considerably successful. They argued that the notion is just a myth; one doesn’t need to belong to a big city to favor a system that prioritizes their own preferences in a partner more than the traditional marriage setup.

Myth: Dating apps are not safe

67% of women have revealed they prefer online dating over dating IRL, citing the safety measures implemented by most dating apps as a significant factor. Women between 20 and 30 are convinced that dating online is comparatively safer than going on a blind date set up by a friend or family. While there may be a vote of confidence from a trusted individual, there is no real guarantee that things will proceed smoothly. Dating apps, on the other hand, are advanced on this front. There’s ample opportunity to assess and evaluate a potential match before meeting face-to-face; first dates now hold a distinct significance in the digital dating space, revealed these women. It’s essentially a virtual date arranged by both parties to gauge compatibility and identify personality traits that may signal warning signs in a match.

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