3 Tips for Travelling in COVID Times

As you head into spring 2021, after a long, dark winter, there’s a great sense of relief in the air. You made it through 2020 — one of the most challenging years in modern history. However, the tough times aren’t quite over yet. While there has been a significant amount of progress, the world continues to fight against the COVID-19 virus.

Depending on where you are, you might be living under strict lockdown restrictions right now. Can you remember the last time you took a trip anywhere? If you’re like most people, it was probably at least one year ago.

But in many parts of the world, travelling is slowly becoming a part of life again. More vaccines are rolling out, and people now know that there are safety precautions to take before boarding that train, plane, or automobile. Even if you’re taking a quick drive somewhere outside your city limits, you must still abide by your region’s government regulations.

If you’re taking an upcoming vacation, read on to discover three travel tips to take with you.

1. Get a COVID Test

Getting a COVID test before your trip will reassure you that you’re virus-free. If you’re flying, the chances are that you’ll be required to show a negative test result before boarding your flight. You may not have time to go line up with the hundreds of other people at the testing locations or pharmacies. Why not benefit from mobile PCR Molecular COVID testing services?

If you’re in a hurry or appreciate your privacy, find a mobile concierge testing service from a healthcare provider in your area. You could have a healthcare professional come right to your home or workplace and administer the quick test without any of the unnecessary hassles of even leaving the house. Keep in mind that experts recommend getting a COVID test one to three days before you head out.

2. Wear a Face Mask

You’ve heard it a million times before, but people say it for a reason: wear a mask. When you’re in the airport, train station, and anywhere else contained and full of people — always have a covering over your face.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends selecting a mask made with two or more layers of breathable, washable fabric that stretches from under the chin to cover your nose — without exposing your cheeks, nor gaps on the bottom, top, or sides of the mask. Adjustable ear loops and nose wires are excellent features for securing a snug fit.

3. Know the Facts (And What You’re Heading Into)

When travelling, always know the current COVID facts about your departing location and where you’re headed. Learn how your destination is handling the pandemic and what measures they’re taking to maintain the health and safety of residents and visitors.

Is there currently an outbreak where you’re going? Are there no official COVID regulations in place? If you feel apprehensive about going, you may want to reconsider the trip.

By staying safe, keeping a distance from others, and considering these three tips, you’ll enjoy a safe and pleasant trip.


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