Protein- A boon for weight loss journey by Dietitian Bhavya Dhir

A high protein diet can do wonders in your weight loss journey according to Dietitian Bhavya Dhir. Registered dietitian Bhavya Dhir from India consider that diets, just like clothes, should be tailor-made because every individual is different and there is no one-size-fits-all here. She works with diverse groups and individuals around the world, catering to their special needs, goals or health conditions and helping them lead a healthy life free of worry and illness

According to her, the powerful benefits of including protein in daily diet include increased satiety for longer durations, lower levels of hunger pangs and cravings and even a greater number of calories burned to digest protein.

It can be difficult to choose the best type of protein which can prove beneficial for your weight loss journey with increased number of options available for intake of protein. But no need to worry as Dietitian Bhavya will help you enlighten on all the how’s and whys.

The following reasons as suggested by Dietician Bhavya Dhir will help you understand better as to why and how protein rich diets help in weight loss.

• Keep you satiated for longer: Protein is highly satiating, which means you stay fuller for longer duration. This eventually results in less intake of unnecessary calories.

• Curbed cravings: A high-protein diet has been associated with lesser levels of cravings and a lower desire to binge.

• Greater levels of calorie burn: Increased protein intake has a higher thermic effect, which means it can increase the number of calories burned by up to 80 to 100 per day

• Variations in weight hormones: Protein rich meals decrease levels of the hunger hormone and boost the appetite-reducing hormones.

• Helps building lean muscles: High-protein diets help reduce body fat, especially around the belly, and increase lean muscle mass, also helps in muscle repair and growth.

• Reduced carbs fluctuations: Protein and carbohydrates in conjunction slow down the absorption of sugar from your stomach to your bloodstream which helps you maintain blood sugar levels and curb more cravings.

Dietitian Bhavya Dhir is national level RD (registered dietitian), a certified diabetes educator (CDE), a sports nutritionist (CSN), FODMAP specialist. She has also been awarded All India Young Well-being award in health sector for her achievements and contribution in health and wellness field as a dietitian.

According to her, one should leep one thing in mind as you steer through your weight loss journey, to increase the protein, but keep it moderate as excess of even health things in not safe. Always remember to be flexible, take experts’ advice, and most importantly, listen to your body.

Finally, remember that weight loss can be short lived if you revert to your old eating habits. The best diet is one you can be consistent with, and the best eating plan is one you can maintain over time.

Being in the business for years, Dietitian Bhavya Dhir has a unique approach to every cliens as per their body types. In addition, Bhavya’s educational qualification, PCOD specialization, and UGC-NET show that she knows what she is suggesting. You can follow her on social media @dietitianbhavya on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and on her website for personalised consultation.

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