Why should you use NCERT Books for class 6 Hindi  

Class 6 is the commencement of higher education when pupils are introduced to new and complex subjects. At this point, it is critical that they have access to good, dependable study materials that can help them understand all of the ideas and lay a solid foundation for future sessions. Nothing beats the NCERT Books when it comes to academic success and exam preparation. NCERT books are written in a straightforward manner that makes even the most difficult topics understandable. As a result, class 6 kids should always use the NCERT Books to learn all subjects and achieve great exam scores. 

Three Hindi books for students in class six are Vasant, Durva, and Bala Ram Katha. There are 17 chapters in the Vasant book for Class 6. This collection consists, among other things, fiction, poetry, and theatre. 

 Durva, the second Hindi book in the series for sixth graders, has 28 chapters in total. The first few chapters of this book cover a variety of topics, including Hindi grammar, dialect, pronunciation, and spelling. 

The third volume, Bala Ram Katha, comprises 12 chapters. It includes portions of the Ramayana. There are textual questions at the end of each chapter in the NCERT Hindi books for class 6. These questions are supposed to be answered by students in order to gain a better understanding of the topic. 

Chapters in NCERT Book for class 6 Hindi 

The CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus is based on the NCERT books for Class 6 Hindi and was created by authorities from the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This page can be used by students in Class 6 who are looking for the Class 6 Hindi Syllabus. This article’s CBSE class 6 Hindi grammar is also included in the CBSE 6th class Hindi textbook. Vasant, Durva, and Bal Ram Katha are the three volumes that make up the CBSE Hindi textbook for 6th grade. This page will provide you a list of all of the chapters in each of these three novels. In order to do well in the annual exam, students should begin working on the 6th grade Hindi syllabus 2021 as soon as possible. 

  • Chapter 1 वह चिड़िया जो  
  • Chapter 2 बचपन  
  • Chapter 3 नादान दोस्त  
  • Chapter 4 चाँद से थोड़ी सी गप्पे  
  • Chapter 5 अक्षरों का महत्व  
  • Chapter 6 पार नज़र के  
  • Chapter 7 साथी हाथ बढ़ाना  
  • Chapter 8 ऐसे ऐसे  
  • Chapter 9 टिकट अलबम  
  • Chapter 10 झाँसी की रानी  
  • Chapter 11 जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते  
  • Chapter 12 संसार पुस्तक है  
  • Chapter 13 मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं  
  • Chapter 14 लोकगीत  
  • Chapter 15 नौकर  
  • Chapter 16 वन के मार्ग में  
  • Chapter 17 साँस-साँस में बाँस 

CBSE Class 6 Hindi Unseen Passages 

  • अपठित गद्यांश 
  • अपठित पद्यांश 

CBSE Class 6 Hindi Grammar   

  • भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण  
  • वर्ण-विचार  
  • शब्द-विचार  
  • संज्ञा  
  • संज्ञा के विकार  
  • वचन  
  • कारक  
  • सर्वनाम  
  • विशेषण  
  • क्रिया  
  • काल  
  • वाच्य  
  • अव्यय या अविकारी शब्द  
  • संधि  
  • समास  
  • उपसर्ग  
  • प्रत्यय  
  • वाक्य-विचार  
  • विराम-चिह्न  
  • अशुद्ध वाक्यों का संशोधन  
  • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ  
  • शब्द-भंडार

The best tips to study for Hindi in class 6 

  1. Take Control of Your Time 
  • Make a plan for the 24 hours you have. Allow yourself enough time to study. In a single day, go over at least three subjects. Set aside time for relaxing in addition to learning. For no more than an hour, do whatever you like – listen to instrumental music, draw, paint, or watch an infotainment channel. 

      2. Write down what you have learned. 

  • Make it a habit to write down your topic once you have mastered it. Experts recommend that you try to write it down quickly, though it is best if you do not ruin your handwriting in the process. This habit of jotting down a topic will allow you to track how much time you spend on it. It will ultimately assist you in time management during the exam. 

       3. Get Enough Sleep 

  • Rather than breaking your head over textbooks and notes, your mantra should be Eat, Sleep, Study, and Relax. Recall what topics you learned for the day while you are free and lying in your bed before going to sleep. So that you can arrange your study for the next day, ask yourself which lesson requires greater attention. 

      4. Meditation/Exercise 

  • Walking, jogging, jumping, skipping, hiking, and riding are all examples of physical activities that detoxify the brain and make it more active. According to studies, taking a 20-minute stroll stimulates a student’s brain more than sitting silently. Meditation enhances concentration, IQ, and focus, as well as reducing stress, depression, and anxiety. 

       5. Make associations in your mind 

  • Try to connect what you have learned to other subjects. Making connections is a simple approach to remember what you have learned. 

       6. research in a group 

  • Studying in a group allows you to gain different perspectives from your peers. This method will help you learn more effectively. You exchange materials, communicate with others, and discuss ideas with your team in a group study. Your learning will become more interactive as a result of this habit. 

      7. View a Documentary on a Subject 

  • Try watching a video of the lesson or topic you are studying to understand a subject quickly and easily. Visuals make it easier to remember information.  

      8. Do not stay up all night studying for an exam. 

  • The day before your exam, take it easy. Review and go over all of the important subjects. Concentrate on the most crucial issues. Eat a proper meal and go to bed on time. Prepare your exam stationery and clothes for the next day before going to bed. 

      9. Study from NCERT Book for Class 6 Hindi, for better understanding of the subject. NCERT books contain detailed description  


To do well in the exams, candidates in Class 6 should read the NCERT Books for Hindi. Vasant, Durva, and Baal Ramkatha are the three textbooks used in the Hindi class. On this page, we have provided direct links to obtain the free PDFs for the Hindi textbooks. Candidates should go straight to NCERT Books as mandated by the Central Board of Secondary Education in order to receive precise idea explanations. 

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