Naman Bansal

Scientists find gold in cow’s urine; highlight its importance

The health benefits of cow milk products including best full cream milk and organic curd are well documented in a wide variety of research studies. Now, a new research study provides solid evidencethathighlights the importance of cows in our society. The research The research involves the famous Gir Cow and it was conducted at Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU). Scientists at …

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Cow’s milk promotes a healthy gut microbiome in babies

Recent research studies in the United States of America have revealed that cow’s milk can be hugely beneficial in promoting a healthy gut microbiome in babies. Often, we purchase factory produced prebiotics for promoting a healthy gut microbiome in babies, but these may not be safe since somewhere during the production process, chemicals may have been used. In comparison, cow’s …

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Be The Monsoon Musafir; take a #Monfie and Win a free trip for two

Monsoon season opens up exciting travel opportunities, as mother nature cloaks itself in breathtaking greenery, dotted with gushing rivulets, rivers, and waterfalls and the mystical appearance of exotic flora and fauna. You may have already made plans for your monsoon outing, but we suggest you wait a bit because with #Monfie, a monsoon selfie contest, you can now win a …

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Organic curd can make you feel happier, says new research

dahi health milk

Happiness is difficult to find in today’s modern world, where hectic lifestyles and stressful jobs are the order of the day. People spend thousands of Rupees in therapy, medication and other avenues, just to feel happy for some time, before its back to their normal stressful routines. However, if new research studies are to be believed, there’s good news because …

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Are dairy products safe for consumption during monsoon season?

dahi health milk

As drops of rain quench the thirst of parched earth, plants, animals, birds, and other organisms as well as human beings, it appears that nature has finally listened to the woeful calls of agitated souls. With the arrival of monsoon, everyone seems to heave a sigh of relief and for many, it’s time to go out and explore the world …

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Delightful traditional Italian flavors at Artusi, Greater Kailash 2

The Artusi Ristorante e Bar has an interesting story that started more than two decades back. Oscar Balcon, an Italian banker and GurpinderSekhon, an IT consultant, met each other while working on different projects. Their love for food was one of the reasons that brought them together, post which they fell in love and got married. As they travelled the …

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Happy cows means more calcium in their milk

Cow milk products such as best full cream milk and organic curd supply a wide variety of nutrients such as calcium to our body. As per medical science, calcium maintains strong bones and teeth and performs several other critical functions in our body. However, due to increased demand for cow’s milk, cows have been milked to their limits, resulting in …

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How Stroke Occurs in Brain?

Modern lifestyles have given us great ways to live, travel, and entertain ourselves, and yet they have also been linked to a wide variety of health issues such as brain stroke. In simple terms, a brain stroke is a condition when the supply of oxygen and glucose is obstructed, which can cause brain damage and even prove fatal if left …

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Making tasty treats with full cream milk – PART II

Continuing with the guide on how to make tasty treats from full cream milk, here’s some more of the milk products that you can easily make in your home. Butterand Buttermilk–Yummy butter! It tastes so good that it’s difficult to resist. While the western world may claim it to be their own, the fact is that butter has always been …

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Fresh milk can help prevent asthma, say German researchers

The health benefits of fresh milk or organic full cream milk have time and again been revealed in many research studies. Now, a new research conducted in Germany has come up with interesting findings about the benefits of unprocessed cow milk. The research The research is highly credible since it was conducted at the prestigious Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich …

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