The SimilarWeb published a report suggesting that, among the world’s 20 most viewed sites, three are porn related. Probably, the most common suggestion to avoid malwares is to avoid porn sites. But is that true? Does it really contain virus? If you’ve ever opened a porn site, of course you have, a lot of advertisements would have popped up. This …
Read More »Naman Bansal
World’s first one-person restaurant: Eat alone, no friends allowed!
Eating alone in a restaurant in today’s society can be a little awkward. No matter how much you enjoy your own company it is not the norm that society feels desirable. But for “Anti-social” people who tend to avoid crowded places and wants to be on their own, Amsterdam has set up, Eenmaal, a pop-up eatery that claims to be …
Read More »JEE Main: Complete Guide
For admission to various undergraduate degrees in architecture and engineering, The Joint Entrance Exam Main, or JEE Main, will be held at the national level. This entrance exam also serves as a practise test for JEE Advanced, the final exam required to be admitted to an IIT. Because of the broad breadth of this entrance exam, thousands of students apply …
Read More »What is the best way to get good marks in class 10 English?
The CBSE syllabus for English is separated into three levels: Foundation, Elaboration, and Vocabulary and Grammar. The Foundation level includes lessons on understanding the alphabet, pronunciation techniques, spelling of commonly used words and phrases, nouns, and verbs. The Elaboration phase has lessons on more advanced grammar structures such as object clauses, indirect speech, and past perfect tense among others while …
Read More »Why should you use NCERT Books for class 6 Hindi
Class 6 is the commencement of higher education when pupils are introduced to new and complex subjects. At this point, it is critical that they have access to good, dependable study materials that can help them understand all of the ideas and lay a solid foundation for future sessions. Nothing beats the NCERT Books when it comes to academic success …
Read More »How To Get A Good Rank In SOF IMO Olympiad
SOF International Maths Olympiad: A competitive examination The IMO is a prestigious mathematical olympiad run by the Science Olympiad Foundation or SOF in short. The test is run in two main stages. The first level consists of logical thinking and math questions. The second stage is pure mathematics (although the second stage is not done for the students of grades …
Maths as a subject itself will in general send butterflies to the understudies. It’s obviously true that the SOF Olympiads feel like a pandora’s container. Qualifying in the IMO requires a great deal of difficult work, countless long periods of exertion, and restrained review examples to accomplish the high level. This is primarily on the grounds that an understudy needs …
Read More »Tips to Ace Class 7 Maths Olympiad
IMO is the International Maths Olympiad. IMO exams are very prestigious exams for maths. These Olympiad examinations help the students and provide them an opportunity to understand their area of interest in the subject of mathematics and help them in overcoming the fear of the subject. When the school announces that Maths Olympiad is going to happen many students get …
Read More »Types of Brackets, Their Uses, BODMAS Rule, Solved Problems, and FAQs
Symbols used such as ( ), [ ], { }, and 〈 〉 used to enclose words or figures to separate them from the context are known as Brackets. They have multiple uses in various places. We have been using brackets in mathematics, accounting, science, coding, and even daily in writing anything. We have been using brackets for making emoticons …
Read More »Government Medical Colleges and Their MBBS Seats in Total
In today’s world, the need for medical practitioners is more. Apparently, the criteria and standards for a medical practitioner are also raised to become doctors and serve humanity properly qualified individuals. A doctor has a huge understanding of clinical science and dedicates his know-how to identify the clinical ailment. Their contribution to human health is beyond comparison, and the rich …
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