Having your own car brings with it innumerable joys, is a matter of pride and convenience, and marks the beginning of exciting new journeys. Buying a car has become easier now, as car loanproducts are being offered by various banks and financial institutions. One of the major advantages of getting a car loan is that you do not have to …
Read More »Naman Bansal
How to Stop Autoplay Videos
Autoplay videos have become a real nuisance in the digital world. Not only are they irritating, but they also rob you of your internet data. Autoplay videos can be advertisements, promotions, breaking news or any other streaming media. In most cases, you are forced to watch these videos as they are designed to autoplay and do not have a close …
Read More »What is the average lifespan of a smartphone?
Everything that has a beginning has an end and the same is applicable for mobile phones and smartphones. No matter how pricey a device you may buy, you can never expect it to last forever. Irrespective of the brand you may choose, there’s an expiry date for every device. Some mobile phones may last longer than others, but sooner or …
Read More »Home Remedies for the Changing Weather
Changing weather allows us to experience new sights and smells and can help eliminate the monotony of life. However, changing weather is also the time for a host of diseases such as cough and cold, fever, skin irritation, etc. At the time of weather change, certain bacteria and viruses become active, which can cause diseases. Some health issues also occur …
Read More »What is Deep Web /Dark Web? How Can You Access it?
Once in a while, when you care to think about it, the enormity of information available on the internet might overwhelm you. However, what we can find on mainstream websites and through popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. is just a miniscule of the entire information that exists on the web. The reality is that most of …
Read More »Actual Cost of iPhone
Most people who buy iPhones are unlikely to worry about its price because all of Apple’s products are more of a fashion and lifestyle statement than anything else. Of course the build quality of iPhone is superior and there are some advanced features and functionalities, but such things are available in other cheaper smartphones too. The fact that iPhones are …
Read More »History of Cricket
Cricket is one of the most popular sports among the Commonwealth of Nations, which essentially comprises the countries that were earlier under the British rule. The popularity of cricket is even more in India, where it is often referred to as a religion. Cricket is popular among the kids, the youth and the old. Most of us have played cricket …
Read More »How to Respond When Kids Ask Awkward Questions
Children have so much to learn about the world and this is the main reason why they are so curious. As a parent, you may not find it difficult to answer most of your child’s everyday queries. However, there may be a problem when kids ask awkward questions such as thosepertaining to sex, reproductive organs, etc. Answering these questions can …
Read More »Being Naughty After Forty
Forties are the times when our mental and physicalaptitude towards sex starts to decline. However, that does not mean that you cannot have great sex after you are forty years of age. With the right tips, tools and techniques, you can still enjoy a rollicking sex life after forty. Here’s what you can do to be naughty at forty. Women …
Read More »Work-life Balance vs. Work-Life Integration – Which is better?
In recent years, the Human Resources (HR) department is facing the tough question whether to choose work-life balance or work-life integration. The work-life balance is an old concept and now HR experts have begun experimenting with the new concept of work-life integration. But is work-life integration really better than work-life balance or is it just another fad? Let’s find out! …
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