The uplifting news is that there are some deductively demonstrated exercises which when done continually, can help us in our journey for bliss. In the wake of looking through a significant number of these recommendations which are bolstered by studies and investigations, I need to impart the accompanying 8 ways to increase happiness. Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness living is about living …
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Develop complex apps rapidly – Your tech stack, your interface!
You have this brilliant app idea and now you are wondering how you can get it developed fast. Most startups face this scenario, as ideas are worth something only when they can offer something useful, something meaningful to the target audience. An app is like giving wings and voice to your idea, so that it can reach out to your …
Read More »10 amazing things you need to know about India’s Real Estate sector
What could be amazing about real estate, you say. It’s just buildings and more buildings, isn’t it? Well, you may be right, but let’s not take such a narrow view of the realty sector. Here are the top 10 amazing facts about the real estate sector in India, which might help you visualize the industry in an entirely new perspective. …
Read More »Newspatrolling joins NASDAQ GlobeNewswire’s distribution network
Newspatrolling, a news aggregator and blogging startup, has partnered with NASDAQ GlobeNewswire’s distribution network for the distribution of NASDAQ GlobeNewswire’s press releases, news updates and other content on its portal. GlobeNewswire, a NASDAQ company, is one of the world’s largest newswire distribution networks, specializing in the delivery of corporate press releases, financial disclosures and multimedia content to the media, investment …
Read More »SpiderG –Unlocking new opportunities to evolve and strengthen the SME ecosystem
SpiderG is a pioneering new platform that seeks to provide a plethora of advanced tools and systems to help SMEs digitally manage their business. SpiderG is an enterprising startup that understands the potential of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) as well as the problems being faced by these firms. While large corporates often take the spotlight, the fact is that …
Read More »Legal options homebuyers can use against unfair practices by builders
Cases of cheating, fraud and project delays have become quite common in the real estate sector. Homebuyers are often at the receiving end of such unfair practices since they have little knowledge about their rights and legal remedies. Let’s take a look at legal options that are available to homebuyers in cases where the builder may be involved in negligent, …
Read More »Slack Way of Our Legal System? Is it Really Possible?
Slack is a new-age collaborative team communication, file sharing, and search platform that’s being marketed as a replacement for the email. There’s scope for Slack in any type of work where team communication and project management are involved. Slack is already being used by top global brands such as Samsung, LinkedIn, TIME, EA, airbnb, Harvard University, eBay, Pinterest, and BuzzFeed. …
Read More »Buying a home? Beware of these tricks used by builders
With residential real estate prices hitting rock bottom across many cities, it is generally being considered a good time to invest in property. However, don’t believe in every word that a salesman or an agent might tell you. To ensure that you make the right decision, let’s take a look at some of the most common tricks that builders might …
Read More »GST filing and compliance at your fingertips with JioGST
The Goods & Services Tax (GST) is being considered as one of the most groundbreaking tax reforms in the history of the country. Most leading economists and businesses have backed it, as it has huge potential to become a game changer for the country’s economic growth. However, there have been some protests in recent times, especially by Small and Medium …
Read More »How to Measure Content Marketing Efforts? Finding the Right KPIs
Information has become the key prerequisite to most purchase decisions and a good way to provide such information to your target audience is through content marketing. Irrespective of whether you are operating in a B2B or B2C environment, your target audience is likely to be influenced by top quality, interesting, relevant and meaningful content. Hard sell tactics may still be …
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