· The country has several risk factors for stroke that are unique to young Indian people · Food fortification with folic acid and vitamin b12 will help prevent brain stroke in vegetarian population in India DELHI-NCR / October 29, 2022: Brain stroke has long been considered a disease of the elderly, but recent data suggests it is now commonly occurring …
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Facebook Proven to Negatively Impact Mental Health
Tel Aviv University’s new study first to establish a causal link between the use of the platform and reported worsening in anxiety and depression among college students October 28, 2022: While many studies have found a correlation between the use of social media and various symptoms related to mental health, so far, it has been challenging to ascertain whether social …
Read More »Robot-Assisted Prostate Cancer Surgery, An Oncology Breakthrough Brings a Host of Merits Over Conventional Procedure
Prostate cancer is one of the most common type of cancer amongst men, which affects the prostate gland, a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces seminal fluid and nourishes and transports sperm. The spectrum of prostate cancer varies from trivial to severe forms. While some prostate cancers grow very slowly and are just restricted to the prostate gland, there …
Read More »Hypertension: A potential risk factor among cancer patients
Hypertension is defined as a condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. Blood pressure above 140/90 is hypertension and it is considered severe when the count reaches beyond 180/120, causing health conditions like heart disease and stroke which could be fatal. Likewise, cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably, …
Read More »Suffering from Bleeding moles? – It can be a sign of skin cancer
Skin cancer, though uncommon is increasing. It can easily be detected externally by regular visits to the dermatologist. The whole body will be examined and suspicious lesions will be frozen or biopsied, depending on their appearance. Types of Skin Cancer There are three major types of skin cancer – l Basal cell carcinoma – This type of skin cancer usually …
Read More »Is mock meat a good alternative?
Mock meat alternatives are designed to be identical to animal alternatives in taste and feel. Similarly, the nutrient composition of vegetarian products to a great extent is analogous to the corresponding meat products in the market. The benefits of the plant-based substitutes over animal food are the presence of a low amount of saturated fat in addition to high fibre …
Read More »NMN: The elixir of youth and health!
Have you found yourself wondering about “How to feel younger?” “How to increase the performance of my workouts?” or “how to keep my body away from diseases?” There is a single answer to all of this. The NAD+, one of the most talked about biomolecules, has been vigorously researched due to its increasing popularity in international markets amongst the preventive …
Read More »Increase in Osteoporosis cases post-Covid19 due to psychological effects
· In the past 2 year, more than 100 patients were treated out of which most of them were women aged between 55 to 75 years of age. · female patients for Osteoporosis have been treated as compared to men The past two years of COVID19 pandemic have not just impacted our physical health or mental health but also impacted …
Read More »Healthy Lifestyle Practices to lower the risk of prevent Breast Cancer
Cancer, a fatal disease which involves uncontrollable abnormal cell division in the body destroying healthy body tissues, is a lifestyle disorder and can be prevented by maintaining a healthy life. Breast cancer, one of the predominant cancers among women, refers to abnormal growth of cells in the breasts. Unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle happens to be one of the leading risk …
Read More »Salt fortified with iodine helps reduce the risk of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Bangalore, October 21, 2022 : Iodine is an important micronutrient that is essential for the proper development of the brain and nervous system. According to a study by the Lancet Global Health Research, globally one in two pre-school aged children and two in every three women of reproductive age were micronutrient deficient (1) According to UNICEF, Iodine deficiency can lead to a …
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