
Why is organic farming a growing trend in the USA?

Consumers are starting to see the connection between health, diet and the environment. In 2016, organic food sales in the U.S. certified to be $43 billion which is $3.3 billion more from the previous year. And the growth doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon. Between 2016 and 2021 the global organic food market is expected to increase for more …

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5 Divorce Alternatives You Can Consider Prior To Ending Your Marriage

Divorce could be the route to getting a new start in life. However, before you finalize plans to end your marriage, it is important to note that divorce can be challenging. It can be painful for you or both partners. You may undergo a sense of regret or guilt later on. Divorce can also be expensive if there are lengthy …

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Significance of creating awareness and screening of Prostate cancer among Men

A cancer diagnosis can be appalling due to a lot of fear connected with it. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. Most men are unaware of this cancer and tend to delay treatment which leads to serious consequences in later stages of life. It is generally seen in men above the age of …

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How To Spot A Liar?

Most of us have lied at some point of time in our lives. Not all lies are bad and some can even help avoid arguments and conflicts or prevent unnecessary pain or agony for an individual. There are various ways in which lies can actually be useful without hurting anyone. However, there are certain individuals who make lying a habit …

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Warning signs of a brain tumor one must not ignore

Brain tumor is an abnormal growth of the brain cells. The extra growth inside the brain can exert pressure on the skull, causing life-threatening complications. However, not all brain tumors are malignant. Some can be non-cancerous, benign or harmless masses of cancerous cells that mainly target the structural tissue of the brain. It can start either in the brain, or …

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The buzzy new drinking trend: Alcohol free boose

The pandemic has resulted in a significant shift in non-alcoholic beverage acceptance and sales. Experts in the field weigh in on the industry’s economic potential. It is true that non-alcoholic beverages have been around for a while now, but in recent years there is a major shift underway, and it is propelling the global market for low and non-alcoholic beverages …

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The role of radiation therapy in cancer treatment

Treatments for cancer care have grown multi-fold across the globe, and regardless of the types of cancer and their severity, there is hope for recovering from the same. For a layperson, terms like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation may sound familiar. But there are a lot of scientific and medical decisions that go into administering these treatments. Radiation is a common, …

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Importance of early diagnosis and screening to treat stomach cancer

Almost everyone has experienced stomach pain at some point of time or the other. Stomach is an important part of the human body and is significantly linked to overall health and disease. Stomach pain could be a sign of a wide range of health issues, and this could also be due to multiple reasons and can be the cause of …

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Cervical Cancer Risk Among Young Women: Here’s How You Can Prevent It

Being diagnosed with cancer at any age is heart-wrenching, more if it affects a person at a young age. Despite many medical advancements, it is still unclear why certain cancers might occur in youngsters. Cervical cancer can be very risky if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage. Instances of cervical cancer in younger women are not a rare …

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What you need to know about Non-Hodgin’s Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, also known as NHL, is a cancer that starts in the white blood cells in the lymphatic system. White blood cells are responsible for shielding the body from germs and is critical to the immune system. When cancer cells start multiplying in these lymphocytes, the tumours can spread throughout the body, eventually attacking every organ. NHL is a …

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