By Aditi Consul, Co-founder, Life and Pursuits Summertime calls for a significant change in your skincare routine. And we are all in to help you with it. Summer season is officially here. Between getting into massive house cleaning, sun drying your linen and rearranging your wardrobe, don’t forget to swap your skincare routine as well. With changing seasons, it is …
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What are the best health plans for the entire family in the United States?
Health Insurance is basically a plan that is devised to benefit you or bear all your medical-related expenses. There are various public as well as private sources that provide health insurance plans for the entire family in the United States. Also, there are several social welfare plans for the citizens of the country that are popularly known as Medicaid. This …
Read More »Which Is Most Expensive Equity Share Of All Time?
When it comes to investment options, equities are among the most preferred by investors. Putting your money in stocks of reputed companies can fetch good returns over the medium to long term. Of course, it is imperative that you diversify your portfolio and avoid putting all your eggs in the same basket. When talking about stocks, their price per unit …
Read More »Types of eggs according to their nutritional value.
The word “eggs” makes us think only about food, bakery, confectionery and hair care. But do you know eggs form a major part of our meal every day? Based on chicken breed here are some of the types of eggs with variations in their nutritional value. Omega 3 eggs To help you get fit they’ve got several benefits to your …
Read More »Top weird things you are not allowed to carry in airplanes
There are certain rules and regulations laid down by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) when it comes to objects or things we can carry on a plane. We know certain things that are not allowed on a plane like any sharp objects which can be used in ways to harm or liquids above 3-4 ounces. But many weird things are …
Read More »Weird sexual fetishes you never knew about
While most of us are aware of BDSM or role play stuff, there are “other” things that one derives pleasure from. While sexual fetishes can be really weird to be discussed, there are some fetishes that will guarantee blow off your mind. In this article, we have managed to unravel some of the weird sexual stuff or fantasies that you …
Read More »Changes in your voice could be a symptom of Laryngeal Cancer
Dr RV Raghunandan, Consultant – Radiation Oncologist, HCG MNR Cancer Centre, Ongole. One of the many unique things that mark our individuality is our voice. Voice defines our identity but when the same starts to sound different, it becomes a matter of concern. What usually starts with a change or hoarseness in voice, can result in laryngeal cancer, a type …
Read More »Is obesity to be blamed for cancer risk ?
Dr. Naresh Somani, Head of Medical Oncology Department, HCG Cancer Centre, Jaipur Gone are the days when looking chubby defined our status of belonging to a well-fed family. Obesity or being overweight in India, estimated to affect 30% of the country’s population, is now steadily progressing towards being hailed as the leading cause of next health crisis. Blame it on …
Read More »Abdominal abnormalities in children can be a sign of Wilms Tumour
Dr. Raj Nagarkar, MD & Chief of Surgical Oncology and Robotic Services, HCG Manavata Cancer Centre Nasik. Wilms Tumour, the most common type of kidney cancer among children tend to occur in young children, mostly before the age of five. Also referred to as Nephroblastoma, the tumours develop from the nephroblasts and usually occurs in only one kidney. In rare …
Read More »Top ways you can survive a Plane Crash/ Train Crash
The very first thing you need to do is stop panicking when you are in a plane crash or a train crash. That certainly sounds the most absurd statement, but panicking can intervene in your efforts to survive the accident. Therefore, you must calm your senses down and take the necessary measures to get out of the plane or the …
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