
Is It Possible To Hatch Store Bought Eggs?

There are a number of interesting debates related to eggs. The most predominant is probably the deliberations over what came first – the egg or chicken. While that is mighty tough to answer, there are other interesting aspects that can be better explained. One such question that often comes to mind is whether it is possible to hatch store bought …

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Does The God Particle Have Any Practical Uses?

Discovery of Higgs Boson or the Higgs Particle in 2012 is one of the major achievements in the scientific community. In the media, the Higgs Boson is referred to as the God Particle. This term gained popularity after Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman published his book named ‘The God Particle’. However, not many physicists seem to like this terminology for various …

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Why Satellites Are Wrapped In Gold?

You cannot see them with naked eyes, but the reality is that there are hundreds of satellites orbiting the earth. Not everyone may be functional, but that does not mean they do not exist. Here on earth, we often come across images and videos of satellites being prepped up for launch. One thing that is common across most satellites is …

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Which Is The Smoothest Surface?

Our eyes and sense of touch can differentiate between various objects based on the surface texture. There are surfaces that are rough, whereas others have a smooth feel. We are especially appreciative of smooth surfaces, possibly because only a select few have such qualities. Smooth surfaces may also be indicative of superior quality such as shiny apples and tomatoes, glass, …

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How Many Gigabytes Is The Human Brain?

The human brain is one of the wonders of nature, a single asset that has made humanity the most dominant species on the planet. If it was not for our brain, it would have been virtually impossible to survive on the planet. Our brain manages a wide variety of things such as memory, thoughts, analysis, motor skills, breathing, vision, touch, …

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How To Switch OFF The Sun?

A massive ball of fire consisting largely of hydrogen and helium, the sun powers all life forms on earth. The sun is around 109 times wider than earth and weighs 333,000 times more. It is estimated that the sun is currently in its middle age and will last for another 5 billion years. With such massive numbers in relation to …

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Will Humans Become Dumber In 100 Years?

It is true that humanity has made great progress in science, space exploration, medicine, quantum physics, etc. With technology at our fingertips, life has become a lot easier. However, if we look around us, we notice that we have created a lot more problems than we have solved. Things like global warming, climate change, food and water shortages, air pollution, …

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Moon Or Mars – Which Is Easier To Colonize?

Planet earth is facing significant challenges, most of which can be linked to human activity. It is possible that earth may face a major catastrophe in the future, which will make it impossible for humans to live here. Some examples include large scale nuclear war, biological warfare, extreme climate change, ecological collapse, pandemic, super volcanic eruption, etc. In such situations, …

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These Unsolved Mathematics Puzzles Can Make You A Millionaire – Wanna Try?

Many people find math tough and its common to see students struggle to get good or even pass marks in exams. On the other hand, students who excel in math usually do better in their job or profession. Math is certainly not easy, as even the best mathematicians have not been able to solve all the known mathematical problems. While …

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How To Cheat A Drug Test?

A drug test is usually carried out to assess the mental and physical competencies of any individual. Addiction to drugs is usually a sign of emotional weakness and prolonged use can impact physical aspects as well. At the organizational level, a drug test ensures that people with history of substance abuse are not made part of the workforce. People on …

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