Doctors at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital saves 35-year-old woman from a life threatening massive kidney tumor using robotic surgery

  • A team led by Dr. Abhishek Singh removed the 25 cm long tumor (angiomyolipoma) by using advanced da Vinci robotic technology
  • The patient has only one functioning kidney, which made this surgery extremely critical to save her life
  • Such tumors grow in the kidney often due to hormonal fluctuations during the reproductive age in women. This makes regular checkups for women in their reproductive age crucial

Ahmedabad, 13 March, 2025: Doctors at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH) successfully performed a complex kidney surgery, removing a large 25-centimeter kidney tumor from a 35-year-old woman with a single functioning kidney. The surgery was led by senior urological surgeon Dr. Abhishek Singh, using an advanced robotic surgery technology, da Vinci.

Initially, the patient presented with a large abdominal mass. After undergoing diagnostic imaging, including CT scans, it revealed that she had angiomyolipoma (AML), a massive 25-centimeter tumor within her kidney. Such tumors grow in the kidney often due to genetic disorders and hormonal fluctuations during the reproductive age in women. This makes regular checkups, awareness of potential symptoms and timely interventions crucial, especially in women in their reproductive years.

Adding to the complexity of the procedure, while examining the patient, doctors at MPUH discovered that the patient had only one functioning kidney. This made preservation of the renal function crucial to save the patient’s life. The surgical team assessed the complexity of the case and decided to proceed with robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy (removal of only the affected area of the kidney) by using advanced da Vinci technology.

While talking about this complex procedure, Dr. Abhishek Singh, Senior Urologist at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, said, “The surgery required high precision and control as this tumor had many blood vessels. Rupturing of those blood vessels would have led to heavy bleeding. However, the da Vinci platform helped us to avoid that, and to preserve crucial organs like the ureter, the arteries, and veins, as well as the major part of the kidney. The Firefly technology in the da Vinci system aided us to ensure that the remaining kidney tissue was getting adequate blood supply. By preserving 90% of kidney function, we could prevent the long-term complications and the need for dialysis. The patient recovered quickly and was able to move within 12 hours, and was discharged within 3-4 days.”

The 35-year-old patient expressed her gratitude and said, “I am thankful to Dr. Abhishek Singh and the entire surgical team at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital. Their exceptional care, including detailed counseling on the treatment process and the robotic technology used, really helped me to go for the surgery without any fear. They not only saved my life but also helped me to return to my regular life much faster than I anticipated.”

According to studies, more than 40% of such tumors (angiomyolipoma) are identified during other medical tests. Such tumors are life threatening due to the chances of rupture and heavy blooding, if not identified and treated on time.

“This case demonstrates the need of addressing specific health concerns in reproductive-age of women. Around 6% of the population is affected by angiomyolipomas. Tumors larger than 4 cm require treatment encompassing medication, angioembolization, or surgical removal. Hence, it is extremely important to do regular check-ups and identify health problems, if there are any,” Dr. Abhishek Singh added.

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