Give up tobacco for a healthier, happier and wealthier life

Historical records and data gathered by Newspatrolling reveal that tobacco use dates back to the seventieth century, a time when it was used by the native people living in North and South America. At that time, the native people used it for their religious practices as well as for medicinal uses such as a pain killer and for treatment of cold, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. Since tobacco use was limited at that time, it did not lead to any major health issues. It was only in the twentieth century that tobacco cultivation and production was commercialized, which in turn resulted in increased consumption of tobacco. Subsequently, cases of tobacco abuse started to appear in ever increasing numbers.

World No Tobacco Day, May 31

Over the decades, tobacco use has caused unmitigated suffering among humans, having been identified as a primary cause of various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis, and cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth. Nicotine, the primary addictive chemical in tobacco features in the top 5 list of the most addictive substances on earth. Tobacco being highly addictive, it poses a major challenge for humanity. The World No Tobacco Day is held every year on May 31 to spread awareness about the various ills of tobacco and how tobacco users can get rid of this dangerous addiction.

What makes tobacco so addictive?

Scientificresearch data available with Newspatrolling reveals that nicotine signals the brain to release more adrenalin, which provides a ‘high’ to tobacco users. Nicotine also increases production of dopamine, which is a chemical linked with happiness. Overtime, daily use of tobacco causes physical and psychological changes, resulting in addiction. Since the brain gets chemically altered by nicotine, it is difficult to naturally produce chemicalsassociated with pleasure and reward. Also, the level of chemicals released using nicotine is higher as compared to natural levels, which also increases cravings among tobacco users. If a tobacco user stops taking tobacco, it leads to acute withdrawal symptoms, forcing the user to get back to his old habit.

Financial costs of tobacco use

First, there’s the obvious cost of buying tobacco products such as smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, etc. Then, once the user is addicted, they will probably need increasing amounts of tobacco to reach the same level of ‘high’. This will increase their spending on tobacco every year. Next is the cost of treating a wide variety of diseases associated with tobacco use. Cost of treatment can be phenomenal if potentially fatal conditions are diagnosed such as heart diseases, cancer, etc. Cost of treatment also includes the cost of treating other family members who may have been affected by passive smoking. Many research studies have revealed that passive smoking can also lead to a wide variety of health issues. Lastly, tobacco use also increases the cost of health insurance and other such products.

How can one quit?

It’s extremely difficult to quit tobacco use. There are people who have tried several times and failed. However, there are plenty of success stories as well, so not all hope is lost. Many people who have successfully quit claim that the best way to quit tobacco is to go ‘cold turkey’, a method that requires a user to quit instantly and completely. There are also people who recommend the gradual de-addiction method, in which users are required to gradually reduce their intake over a period of time. Tobacco de-addiction products are also available in the market such as nicotine gum, nicotine patch, spray, inhalers, and medications.

Newspatrolling supports the cause of a tobacco free world and urges its readers to spread awareness about the dangers of tobacco use. With our collective efforts, we can create new perspectives, change mindsets, and support tobacco users in their journey of achieving freedom from tobacco addiction.

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