Holistic and Multi-Layered Security Solutions for Cloud Infrastructure is a Must

It is a known fact that the use of cloud services across the globe has been increasing more than ever. The researchers and industry veterans see a huge adoption of cloud across organizations in the coming days. With more adoption comes more consumers and with that comes securing the data and processes of all consumers and organizations. As the cloud and its offering have been advancing so has its security.

Gone are the days when organizations deployed one or two countermeasures, mostly antivirus and firewalls, for the most common security threats and thought it would help. As more and more sophisticated attacks grew these security measures were effective against only a small portion of attacks. This gave way to Multi-Layered Security Solutions. Over the past few years, multi-layered security has emerged as a strong alternative to traditional security strategies.

The increased use of cloud solutions has given raise to increased cybercrimes, sophisticated attacks have been devised by cybercriminals directed at enterprises and financial institutions.

The increase in cybercrimes is proportional to the increase in the advancement of technology and the below factors:
Increased number of gadgets across the globe may it be for personal use or organizational use
Rise of digital platforms and online apps to make life easier is giving way to more cybercrimes
Increased financial locations, particularly at financial-services organizations traditional or e-finance, are becoming too enticing for cybercriminals to ignore
Personal IP-enabled devices such as cell phones and social media platforms including internal and external communication channels used by millions are an easy gateway to enter for cybercriminals
The entire internet ecosystem provides support for all hence also for cyber assaults. Professional criminals find ways, they plan, investigate, organize and automate attacks on specific businesses

As a proactive approach, multi-layered security deploys several components which form different layers of security, each of which serves a particular function to defend and safeguard operations, IT Infrastructure and services. Each layer is responsible for securing a particular region or access point from being compromised by hackers and threats. Together they operate to form a defence mechanism against multiple security breaches. The central idea behind layered security or defence is that in order to protect systems from a wide range of attacks ranging from hacking or phishing, DDoS to worms, viruses, malware and other kinds of more passive, or indirect system invasions. It has been tried and tested that using multiple strategies will be more effective.

“The whole idea of having multi-layered security on the cloud is to take various security measures to protect systems against threats before they actually happen. In isolation, they may not be able to provide complete network security, but together their efficiency is enhanced which enables each level to provide an extra degree of security. The best way to prevent attackers to attack the cloud network is to have a greater number of levels or layers of security,” said Prashanth GJ, CEO at TechnoBind. “At Technobind, our team has years of experience tackling and suggesting the right cloud services and solutions for customers.”

The following multi-layered cloud-based security collectively works together to defend against cybercrimes:
– Physical Security
– Perimeter Firewall
– Secure Multi-Tenancy
– Per-Tenant Firewall
– Host-Based Firewalls
– Antivirus
– Update/Patch Management
– Digital Certificates
– File Encryption
– Backup & Replication

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