How To File RTI Online?

Based on the type of information needed, an individual can approach the Central Government RTI or the respective State RTI department

To bring transparency into the functioning of the government, the Right to Information (RTI) Act was launched in 2005. The RTI Act has emerged as an important tool to keep corruption in check. Citizens can demand information about the various processes, programs and functions of the government and the associated income and expenses. RTI makes the government more accountable and allows citizens to know the integrity and honesty of their leaders.

How To file RTI online – Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: For any queries related to Central Ministries/Departments or any other Central Public Authorities, one can file RTI online at The process is quite simple and one can start by clicking on the ‘Submit Request’ tab.

Step 2: In the application field, the user needs to explain the type of information they need. The application form currently supports text of up to 3,000 characters only. In case the application is longer, users can attach the application in document form (PDF). This can be done by using the ‘Supporting Document’ button.

Step 3: After writing the application, users will need to pay the relevant RTI processing fee. It is usually Rs 10 in most cases. In case an additional fee is required at a later stage, the user will be communicated accordingly via SMS or email. The additional fee, if required, can be paid online. The initial Rs 10 fee can be paid via internet banking, credit/debit cards or UPI. For people who are classified under BPL (below poverty line), RTI is provided free of cost.

Step 4: Once the payment is made, the application can be submitted. An RTI registration number will be generated, which can then be used to track the status of the RTI query. Users may need to wait around 24-48 hours to get the RTI registration number in some cases. In case it is taking longer, the user can approach the RTI support team.

As per RTI rules, it is mandatory for the Public Information Officer (PIO) to provide the requested information within 30 days. If you do not get any response within 30 days, you can approach the First Appellate Authority (FAA). This can be done using the ‘Submit First Appeal’ button. You then have to provide all the relevant details, as shown on the screen. No fee is required to be paid for the first appeal. You also have the option to file a second appeal in case you are not satisfied with the response from the FAA. This can be done by approaching the State Information Commission or the Central Information Commission (CIC).

RTI for State government related queries

Users can also approach the state-level RTI department in case their query is about any projects or processes related to the state government. Most state governments and Union Territories (UTs) run their RTI portal and users can submit their queries online. The process is largely the same as described in the above paragraphs. There can be some slight variations in the form depending on the state RTI rules. However, users are unlikely to face any major issues.

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