Kunwar Pushpendra Singh Chandel

A multifacetedpolitical & social leader

Kunwar Pushpendra Singh Chandel is a Member of Parliament (MP) from HamirpurLokSabha constituency in the State of Uttar Pradesh. Pushpendra belongs to the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) and has played a key role in party affairs, taking up various roles and responsibilities and achieving the defined targets with utmost sincerity and commitment. As a profession, Pushpendra wears many hats – a social worker, agriculturist, writer, poet, and businessperson. He has displayed significant creativity and registered distinguishable achievements in all these domains.

Pushpendrashares a special interest in social and cultural activities, wherein he has worked on various projects such as self-empowerment and betterment of people and families suffering from leprosy; effective care and upbringing of orphaned children; and preservation and restoration of cultural heritage and folk arts. He has also made contributions in areas such as education, agricultural innovation, wild life protection, environmental protection, water resource management, development of aromatic and medicinal plans, and preservation of historical heritage.

Early Life and Education                                                                                

Pushpendra Singh Chandel was born in Mahoba (Uttar Pradesh) on October 08, 1973 to KunwarHarpal Singh Chandel and Smt. Sheel Singh Chandel. His educational qualifications include M.A. (Political Science) and LL.B. He received his education from Bundelkhand University. Pushpendra married Deepali Singh on February 18, 1999.

Political Career                   

Since an early age, Pushpendra Singh Chandel displayed an inclination towards working for social causes. When he was just a child, he joined the RSS (RashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh), as a BalSwayamSevak. Later, he became a member of VidyarthiParishad, where he got involved in various social activities such as spreading awareness about water conservation, fighting the dowry system, and organizing SamoohikVivah(collective wedding) for the benefit of financially weaker sections of the society. Pushpendra has also done a commendable job in promoting sports among children and youth, while working as the Convener of BJP’s Sports Cell.

  • May, 2014: Elected to 16th LokSabha
  • 1 Sep. 2014 onwards: Member, Standing Committee on Railways; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture
  • 2 August 2016 onwards: Member, Joint Committee on Offices of Profit

Personal Pursuits

Pushpendra has interests in travelling, riding, and fishing. He likes to read spiritual & motivational literature; write creative prose and poetry; and spend quality time with his family as well as with social workers and spiritual leaders. In sports, he likes chess, badminton and shooting. He has won various shooting tournaments in Mahoba District across a diversified range such as pistol, rifle, clay pigeon etc.

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