Mac Vs. Windows PC – Which Is Best?

One of the most intense debates of our times, the Mac vs. PC thing hardly ever has a clear winner. That’s because both PC and Mac have theirdistinctive advantages and drawbacks, and arguments surrounding these can go on forever. We can also see a huge fan following on both sides, with no one willing to cede their respective standpoints. So, is there really a best among the two or is it all about perceptions? Well, let’s delve deeper and try to find out which option will be best for you – Mac or Windows PC.

Customization: If you belong to the group that likes to open their machines, have a look inside and install the required upgrades, you should probably choose a Windows PC. Mac offers limited customization options and that too has to be done at an authorized service center. Of course, you can fiddle around on your own, but always remember that Macs are a lot more complex in comparison to Windows PC. So, if anything goes wrong, you might end up paying a high price for repairs.

Compatibility: You can easily find accessories for Windows PC at cheap prices. For Macs, you will probably have to choose from options provided by Apple. Generic accessories are available for Mac, but using these is always a risk. These may not work with your Mac or can even damage internal components. If you go for company approvedaccessories for your Mac, you will have to buy these at a premium price.

Gaming: If you are planning to use your machine for gaming, you should go for a Windows PC. There’s no doubt here that Windows PC works better than Mac for gaming purpose. Windows PC can be easily connected to a wide variety of gaming consoles and it also supports a wide range of computer games. Accessory options are also a lot more with Windows PC.

Design and editing: While Windows PC is preferred for general office computing use, Macs are the first choice for creative professionals working on design and video editing projects. This is probably due to the superior quality of display offered with Macs.

Security: Macs are still considered safer than PCs, even though present day Windows 10 OS is well equipped to handle security threats. Mac users are far less in comparison to Windows users, something that automatically increases the risk factor for Windows PC. Hackers and criminals want to cast theirnet wide, which is why malicious codes and scripts are often written to target Windows machines. However, Macs are not entirely safe, as attacks on these systems have also been reported.

Price: If you are not a fan of unnecessarily paying a high premium for your machine, you should go with a Windows PC. Macs do not come cheap and even the claim of using top quality components does not necessarilyjustify the high pricing.

With the above points, it’s clear that both Mac and Windows can work for you. However, you need to choose the one that best fits your budget and your specific needs and preferences.


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