Recipe : Red kidney beans wrap


Whole wheat

1 Cornitos Wheat Flour Tortilla Wrap
200ml- Salsa
200ml- Mint sauce
60gm- Mozzarella cheese
120gm- Red kidney beans
200gm- Onion
200gm- Lettuce
30ml- Sour cream
20ml- Butter
1 packet of tomato puree


– Boil the kidney beans and cook with tomato puree add some mozzarella cheese
– Make juliennes of iceberg lettuce and onion
– Apply half of salsa and mint sauce on the base of Cornitos Wheat Flour Tortilla Wrap and spread evenly
– Place the red kidney beans on the center, top it up with iceberg and onion and remaining of salsa
– Put mozzarella cheese on the edges of the wrap
– Fold the edges of the wrap and roll it over
– Apply some butter and put in the griller and grill it
– Cut into two half’s and place one piece over the other
– Serve with sour cream and salsa.

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