Scientists find gold in cow’s urine; highlight its importance

The health benefits of cow milk products including best full cream milk and organic curd are well documented in a wide variety of research studies. Now, a new research study provides solid evidencethathighlights the importance of cows in our society.

The research

The research involves the famous Gir Cow and it was conducted at Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU). Scientists at this university carried out extensive research on Gir cow’s urine for nearly four years. It was due to their consistent efforts that they were finally able to prove the presence of gold in the urine of Gir cows. Samples were taken from around 400 Gir cows and tested at JAU’s Food Testing Laboratory. It was revealed that the samples contained anywhere from 3 mg to 10 mg of gold in one liter of urine. The gold found by the scientists was in ionic form, which in layman’s terms is ‘water soluble gold salts’.

Testing ancient knowledge

Scientists at the university said that ancient Indian scriptures have often talked about the health benefits of cow milk products including the best full cream milk and organic curd. These scriptures have also pointed out to the presence of gold and other compounds in cow urine and howthese can be healthy for the human body. However, till now, there was no research study conducted to test such ancient claims. In view of this, scientists at JAU decided to test the knowledge of ancient Indian scriptures using scientific methods. The research scientists utilized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to test the presence of gold in the urine of Gir cows.

The scientists were elated to find gold in the cow’s urine samples, as it proved that ancient Indian scriptures were correct. Gold offers wide ranging health benefits such as anti-inflammatory properties, ability to enhance our mood, ability to improve cognitive functions, and rejuvenating properties. The research also found 5,100 other compounds in the samples, out of which 388 compounds have shown to possesshighly effective medicinal properties. These compounds have the ability to cure a wide variety of ailments.

Another win for cows

The research provides all the more reasons to safeguard our cows. The health benefits of cow milk products including the best full cream milk and organic curd are part of our ancient knowledgebase. If our ancestors were right about the presence of gold in cow urine, then they are probably right about the benefits of cow milk products as well. So, say cheers to cow’s milk.

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