The Game-changers in sports tech: Through innovations and disruptive technology

The game-changers in sports are largely based on factors that enable better sports analytics. Deeper the analytics would be, better would be the decision making by the board and the players leading to a more sound decision every time. But what still matters the most is to give user experience utmost importance because if that is rock solid, other factors can be controlled.

Today technology is changing and revolutionizing the game for every sports team and their fans globally. Talking about the subject of how innovation coupled with disruptive technology can bring about a revolution, Anto Binish Kaspar, Founder and CEO, Roanuz Softwares shares –

“So far, sports tech has brought a lot of concepts to the sports industry such as calculating the winning probability, cricket stock exchange, cricket based prediction quiz, and these concepts serve as the major attributes for promoting the products in an effective manner not only by benefiting with the usage but also in the commercial aspects.

Imagine the past two years of life without the early innovations on Digital currencies, easy access to the Internet and phone. It would have definitely been the toughest phase! Certainly, the last 10 years of innovation helped us sufficiently to survive the most difficult 2 years of lockdown and predominant mental breakdown due to COVID-19. Also, about 42 (Including one of our customers, MPL) Indian startups entered into the Unicorn last year, wherein by starting with one absolute innovation thereby eventually lifting up the other industries to new standards.”

Mr. Kaspar adds “While many companies work on development, Innovation is always a game changer just like the salt and pepper which always enhances the taste of any food. Without it, the entire world would function without any taste, much drained and powerless whereas it is very obvious that the wheel that runs the innovation can definitely be a change-making nail or an igniting fuel. What not without innovation! And, the innovation can be endless as long as the world doesn’t stop functioning. Game changers are important in every field and it is always good to welcome the new game changers who put their blood and sweat in development and progression.

As a team, we have been encouraging creative and tech enthusiasts whenever they bring ideas to us and that’s how we could make still more development and innovation. We can say that innovation is the future that the game-changers invest in the present and in the past” concludes Mr. Anto Binish Kaspar.

In today’s digital age, sports is not just about enjoying the players playing their game and good ambience. It has evolved into a much bigger arena that now wants to offer a wholesome experience to its customers. There has been a cut-throat competition between emerging sports tech companies offering unique services but what stays for the longest is a unique as well as everlasting customer experience. Simultaneously, a platform that enables the companies to get maximum results out of their existing data which thereby helps them improve the performance.

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