What Are the Doshas in Ayurvedic Treatment?

The concepts and principles of Ayurveda are based on the deeper workings of human body, mind and soul. These are quite complex and outside the realm of what the existing scientific equipment can measure and analyze. Only an experienced Ayurveda consultant can examine the problems that you may be facing and prescribe the most appropriate Ayurvedic treatment. All aspects of Ayurvedic treatment are based on the core nature of an individual, which is defined according to the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The doshas are based on the five basic elements of this universe – air, water, earth, fire and space. Each dosha has these elements in varying proportions, which goes on to define the core characteristics of an individual.

In a healthy person, the elements that make up the dosha of a person work in perfect harmony with each other. The balance in the elements is similar to the balance that is evident in nature and among the universal forces. However, when the doshas interact with negative forces such as stress, anxiety, anger, hatred, greed, etc., the elements lose theirharmonious nature and go out of balance. This in turn leads to various diseases and ailments.

The type of disease a person will be afflicted with is determined by the dosha of a person.For example, a person with Kapha dosha will most likely be suffering from ailments such as cough, cold, congestion, fluid retention, weight gain, lung infection, depression, etc. For people with Pitta dosha, they can face issues such as inflammation of joints ad tissues, gastrointestinal problems, spinal stiffness, headaches, fever, migraine, etc. In case of people with Vata dosha, they are likely to be diagnosed with problems such as constipation, nervousness, low back pain, sciatica, etc.

Ayurvedic treatment focuses on restoring the balance between the elements of the doshas, which in turn cures the disease. Since Ayurvedic treatment works byeliminating the root cause of the disease, it provides long-term benefits to patients. Ayurveda treatments usually comprise Ayurveda therapies, Ayurveda massages, Ayurveda medicines and lifestyle changes. Ayurvedic treatments bring about positive changes throughout the mind, body and soul, something that makes it superior to other forms of treatments.

Since the doshas are different for every individual, the Ayurvedic treatment prescribed by the Ayurveda doctor can vary from individual to individual. Ayurvedic treatments may take some time to provide tangible results, but they certainly prove effective in ensuring long-lasting health benefits. Ayurvedic treatment is also free from side-effects, which is another significant benefit for patients.


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