What are the ways a student can make use of group discussions to enhance understanding?

To excel in group discussions, a student must plan effectively how they will conduct the discussion. We see that although the ideal discussion is spontaneous as well as unpredictable, they will want to do some careful planning. They should have a clear goal/objective for the discussion, a plan for how they will prepare the students, and a general idea about how they will guide the discussion (e.g., with activities, videos, questions, etc as well). They must remember that in the modern classroom, there are many ways to be present and to participate as well. We see that to reevaluate their course participation and attendance policies to be certain that they are assessing what they want them to assess, encouraging what they want to encourage, and that there aren’t other options that can accomplish the same goals as well.  For instance, if they value the exchange of ideas, does it matter whether this happens in class or online as well. They must help students prepare for the discussion. They can distribute a list of questions for each discussion, ask students to bring in their questions, suggest key concepts or themes for them to focus on, or ask them to collect evidence that clarifies or refutes a particular concept or problem as well. We see that discussions will be more satisfying for them and their students if they are prepared. They must also establish ground rules for participation in a discussion as well. They can take the topics to be Insititute ERP as well. We see that for a discussion to be effective, there are students who need to understand the value of actively listening to their peers, tolerating opposing viewpoints, and being open-minded. We see that they also need to recognize the importance of staying focused and expressing themselves clearly. They might spend the first session with their students exploring the characteristics of effective as well as ineffective discussions. They can also work to communicate how much time they have for questions or discussion, and what they are looking for from this time.  Do they ideally expect every student to have a question? Are they looking for problem-posing, questions of clarification, extensions, applications, and critique as well? They must not assume that students know what the pedagogical purpose of the discussion is.

They must also ask students to state their names before they begin speaking. They must use their name when responding to their question or point as well.  They can go on with the topics such as ERP full form as well. They must make sure to keep background noise to a minimum as well. We see that one person speaking at a time is essential if all students are expected to listen. They must also be ready as well as willing to work with sign interpreters or interpreters during question and discussion periods. They must slow down when they are using big words or complicated phrases and spell out key names, as well as urge students to do the same. They must ask for advice about working with interpreters during lectures as well.  They must refer to questions they have distributed.

They must start the discussion by asking one of the study questions they assigned or by asking group members which of the questions they found most challenging. They must make a list of key points. They must identify and list the important points from the reading and use these as a starting point for discussion as well. They must also use a partner activity. They must ask students to come to the discussion with 3 or 4 questions prepared as well. They can start the discussion by having students pair off and alternate asking and answering their questions as well. They must focus on using a brainstorming activity as well. They must ask students to contribute ideas related to the discussion topic (as we see no matter how bizarre or farfetched) as well as write all ideas on the board. We see that after a set period or when students have run out of ideas, critically evaluate all the ideas or categorize themes as well.

They must pose an opening question as well as give students a few minutes to record an answer. We see that the process of writing down their answers will enable students to generate new ideas as well as questions. We see that after they have finished writing, ask for volunteers or call on students to share their ideas. We see that this activity also allows quieter students to prepare answers they can share with the group as well. They must divide students into small groups to discuss a specific question or issue as well. They must be sure to assign explicit questions and guidelines as well as give the groups a time limit to complete the exercise. Also, they must ask them to select a recorder and/or a reporter who will report back to the entire discussion group as well. They must make sure to not pose a controversial issue and organize an informal debate. We see that in the group the students according to the pro or con position they take and ask the groups to formulate 2-3 arguments or maybe take examples to support their position. They must write each group’s statements on the board and use these as a starting point for discussion as well. They must tell students to not discourage students who monopolize the discussion by implementing a structured activity that requires each group member to be involved, as well as avoiding eye contact with him/her, assigning a specific role to the dominant student that limits participation (e.g., discussion recorder as well), or implementing time limits on individual contributions at the same time.  They must have a clear agenda for the discussion as well as questions/issues on the board to inform and remind everyone of where the discussion is heading too.

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